What’s The Closest You’ve Been To A Lightning Strike?

    by SpencerTwatson


    1. ~20 feet- it hit a small tree outside while I was inside- it was during the day it was blinding and loud as hell. All my hairs stood up.

    2. certifiedintelligent on

      Maybe 50 feet or so. The one thing that stood out to me was the “tick” that sounded just like a scaled up static shock at the moment of the strike.

    3. British_leighxo on

      I once got caught in a downpour during a storm, and the thunder was deafening. I can only imagine how intense it must be right under a lightning strike!

    4. When I was a Boy Scout at Philmont Scout Ranch, we were near the summit of a mountain and got flashbanged (seeing and hearing the lightning at the same time). Terrifying.


      Don’t know the exact amount but I was driving lighting struck the road just in front of me to the left. Scared the ever loving shit out of me.

    6. Hit the building I was working in, sounded exactly like exploding artillery. I nearly shit my whole self

    7. InsomniaticWanderer on

      Within 10 feet. Lightning struck a tree near my tent at summer camp.

      I do not recommend.

    8. About 30 metres. I was riding my bike when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Then BOOM, and an electric pole right behind me was all sparkly.

    9. About 25 feet.
      I was at Camp McKee Boy Scout camp 2 years ago. I was alone in camp and a storm popped up right over our camp site basically. I was pulling chairs under the shelter, looked up, and lightning hit a big tree while I was looking at it.
      The bolt sort of ricocheted down the tree, blowing bark off each side. A piece of bark hit me in the chest and stung so bad I thought the electricity had affected my heart.

      The tree was split & burned on the inside. The next year I hung my hammock over the tree and slept over it all week.


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