The what?

    by Turbidodozer


    1. anonburneraccoun on

      His two children were discriminated against? How does he know his kids are straight? Way to push your own sexual perversions onto the children.

    2. Public-Bee6217 on

      I don’t get why some people are so obsessed with a “straight pride” flag? Nobody has been hanged or stoned for being straight. Straight people are not a minority or discriminated against. So I don’t understand that…

    3. UndiscoveredNeutron on

      If you are holding a “Straight Pride” flag and wear a tactical vest with a GoPro, then it’s not about your flag, it’s about thiers.

    4. Winter_Departure3169 on

      Yeah I’m pretty sure his kids weren’t the ones “requesting” the straight pride flag

    5. As a straight person, I really don’t feel like I need a flag. 

      But if we’re going to have one, it should have boobs on it. 

    6. No one tells people to feel badly for being straight which is where the “pride” movement comes from as a response to the “be ashamed for being gay” shit. Stupid asses need everything to center them always.

    7. TemperatureTop246 on

      Just get all the damn flags out of the classroom… all of them.


      put EVERY flag up in the classrooms… cover the walls and ceilings… use them as curtains, play an endlessly looping slideshow on the classroom monitors when they’re not in use.

    8. Stop putting pride flags, BLM flags, straight flags, or anything not related to school in schools. I don’t care about people repping whatever flag they want, but keep it out of schools. The kids are there to learn, and they need to be doing more learning since the US is rapidly dropping across the world educational scale.

    9. I’ve always seen the rainbow flag not exclusively as an LGBTQ+ flag but also as a flag signifying inclusion at all levels.

    10. Why don’t we either have all flags acceptable or none? Who gets to pick and chose which ones are ok? FYI I work at a middle school. Be all inclusive or not at all. No middle.

    11. Lokenlives4now on

      When they start getting told that being straight is wrong and if you go to the wrong area you’ll be physically assaulted for your sexuality then you can have your flag in the classroom. Straight people don’t need the reminder they are the default.

    12. That’s the flag of Mars/Venus coalition.

      The straight pride flag has this image


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