Kamala Harris: “My background is in law enforcement. Yes, I own a glock.”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. tenkaranarchy on

      I guess I’ll still vote for her owning a Glock even though I prefer a sig Sauer…..

    2. Feisty-Donkey on

      I get why she’s doing it but fuck do I hate living in a country where this many people are horny for guns

    3. Lmao listen, I also own a firearm. But she was a prosecutor. It’s not like prosecutors roll into the courthouse strapped 

      Edit: Y’all are so mad and I didn’t even criticize her. I’m just pointing out that being a lawyer and owning firearm are wildly unrelated activities. Stay mad though guys

    4. Forget another debate, let’s see the two of them go down to the range, and we’ll see who handles a gun with confidence and drops a target downrange with decent grouping, and who acts like an utter embarrassment to real gun owners (not fetishists). This might be the October surprise that cooks him, if he were so utterly emasculated in a way that hits home to so many Republicans and their made-up shrines to manliness.

    5. PastorNTraining on

      This is smart. She’s speaking directly to the rural communities where police are an hour away but meth and opioid use is on the rise. Good folks who need to own firearms in the event they need to defend their families will connect to this messaging.

      She’s signaling something owners can connect to: respecting those who own guns for safety reasons. Those kinda folks who are responsible gun owners and a rural demographic dems normally miss.

      By saying this she’s saying “I’m a gun owner too and I get it.” – that’s powerfully connective messaging right there. She’s looking to unite and find common ground – good leadership

      It’s smart, effective and really hits those conservative values like protection, and law.

    6. Can_Haz_Cheezburger on

      The only question I have is: *why a Glock?* 1911s still work just fine last I recall.

    7. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Every DA I worked for, every PD I worked for, every private criminal defense attorney, family law, personal injury, I worked for, and myself always carried (I don’t anymore, I’m not in that biz, though I still have some “gear”). They ALL carried, or at least had on in the desk, or our front desk person had them. It’s been close to 30 years since then.

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