If you want to see a nations true first inhabitants then put your ear to the ground

    by Kreanxx


    1. I mean yeah pretty much, thats also why I don’t have patience for native rights groups, their society lost, either get the guts to rise up and try to take some of your land back, or shut up and stop complaining the people who steamrolled you are gracious enough not to end the job… in the end, land is rightfully of whoever conquers it

    2. when OP realises that genocides are actually extremely rare in history until settler-colonialism became a thing. this even applies to ethnic cleansing.

      even contemporary british and other western european powers were kind of disgusted by the subsets of their population that partook in settler colonialism as opposed to the more standsrd colonialism that was common.

      meanwhile i see a meme here every month trying to justify it, wild times.

    3. Well, that’s largely accurate but you can always find some exceptions… Like Polynesians settling uninhabited islands and their descendants still living on these islands… Or Slavic tribes moving to Central Europe in the 7th century that had been depopulated because of Huns and out-migrations.

    4. Averagetarnished on

      Mfs when America gains land through conquest:
      Same mfs adore it when Rome gains land through conquest

    5. Nice-Lobster-8724 on

      Guess the only difference is Americans did it in an age when people were conscious of this stuff being morally wrong yet did it anyway.

      Bit different than some Gallic tribes or something who didn’t know what a wheel was doing it 3000 years ago.

    6. cdnhistorystudent on

      Most countries and tribes have gone to war, but it’s ridiculous to assume every country and tribe has committed genocide. Wars between Indigenous groups in North America were often settled without the need to massacre each other

    7. Don’t recall anyone saying America was exclusive to this. This is history 101 in grade school

    8. Adorable-Volume2247 on

      1. There are more Native Americans living in the US and Canada today than there were when Columbus hit the Caribbean.

      2. Most deaths of Natives were due to smallpox, which if you include that, you must cobsider China to have genocided Europe with the Plague or the whole world with Covid-19.

    9. LineOfInquiry on

      A). This isn’t even true, not every nation is founded on genocide. Many are, but not all. All nations are founded on violence, but genocide is different. Who did Switzerland genocide? Botswana? Korea?

      B). Just because other countries also did genocide doesn’t make this statement any less true or relevant. It’s important to recognize how the mistakes of the past like the genocide of the native Americans happened and how we can avoid similar mistakes in the present and rectify the present effects of those past decisions. We can’t afford to just brush this issue off with a “well everyone did it”. This isn’t the Roman genocide of Gaul, it happened very recently and still affects people today.

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