
    by Cold__Scholar


    1. Imagine your life’s goal being bringing apartheid to another planet.

      What a soulless little goblin he is.

    2. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      Good news, you got to go to mars!

      Bad news, you are on the lifetime “payment” plan. Hope you enjoy working in the mines.

    3. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      Imagine watching Star Trek and thinking, “Y’know what those people are missing? Slaves.”

    4. FranzNerdingham on

      I will never go to Mars. Not only because it’s fucking impossible to live there, but also because it would mean going there with assholes like Elon.

    5. Fuck Mars! Why would anyone go into debt to go to a place where you can’t even go outside?

      I can simulate that trip here on earth and charge a fraction of the price. I’d put a nice, sealed room with plants and a comfy bed in the center of a plexiglass cube. Then after our guest enters their room, we’d seal them in and fill the outer cube with cyanide gas and radioactive dust. Our guest would stay for a couple months and then they can go home. Don’t worry we’ll also give them a certificate and a hat to prove they went to Mars.

    6. nobody-u-heard-of on

      I actually saw a movie similar to this. Of course if you decide not to work once you get there, what are they going to do? Send you home?

    7. LurkyMcLurkerson43 on

      I signed indentures when I joined a union. If it’s a voluntary sign up, I don’t see the problem. Not like he’s forcing people into rockets at gunpoint.

    8. That’s in the same plot as the movie Alien, Romulus. The mine workers are sent to the planet to work off debt. The main lead goes to get her ticket back to earth after paying her debt in labor for the corporation only to be told she owes an additional x amount of years of work. Lol.

    9. Sounds very similar to the situation with people traffickers and what happens to the illegals they sneaks across borders, I believe the common term is “Indentured Servitude”

    10. Glad_Lychee_180 on

      Everyone on Mars will be working, though I suspect these folks will have the most dangerous jobs.

    11. “Go into lifelong debt to leave this habitable planet for this barren, smaller planet where you’ll enjoy radiation, -200° F temperature, a thin 95% carbon dioxide atmosphere, and low gravity that results in osteoporosis and heart attacks, where you’ll live confined with a few people. It only takes 16 months of travel time in a capsule. Sign up now.”

      What a genius!

      Our attempts at a materially closed ecological system (Biosphere) here on Earth failed. But please tell us, Leon, about how successful it will be on a completely different planet.

    12. Ok_Breakfast5425 on

      I think Leon must have watched Total Recall and somehow thought Cohaagen was the good guy and wanted to be like him

    13. TheLoneGunman559 on

      I’ve already said this before, but thankfully nobody is going to Mars in this lifetime. Not even Musk.

    14. Elon watched the Expanse and loved the idea of Belters being an exploitable working class. Don’t pay your monthly payments, I cut off your fucking air!!

    15. SportySpiceLover on

      Mandela should have stripped them of their wealth and tossed them into the ocean, not saying I am advocating for violence, but Thiel and Musk are seriously making me wish I did not side with Mandela on no violence.

    16. Getting real Outer Worlds vibes from Elon. Do you think he’d be Spacers Choice or Auntie Cleo?

    17. LuchadoresdeSilinas on

      You can take the douchebag out of apartheid but you can’t take apartheid out of the douchebag!

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