For some reason my dad’s hands glow under black light

    by paisleygirl4


    1. That could be a fungal infection, viral infection, or the guy just has some stuff on his hands that needs washing off.

    2. Imagine you’re just chilling and spanking it with reckless abandon when you hear the front door slam downstairs so you go for a quick zip up and close the tabs…
      “Dad! Dad! Come check this out!”
      When you make it down your kid pops out a blacklight and starts shining it around. *Oh shit*.
      “Oh wow, you have some glowing stuff on your hands, I gotta post this to Reddit right away!”

    3. lol in all seriousness though this is with clean/freshly washed hands and isn’t nefarious 🤣

    4. Does your dad have white patches of skin where the pigment seems to have disappeared? If so, it’s likely vitiligo. I have vitiligo and that’s how they check for it with a black light. My white spots of skin also glow with a black light. All of my fingertips are white and glow, I have patches on my chin and under my eye, arm pits, hips, and toes.

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