Man senses an earthquake right before it hits

    by EzzyyPeezy


    1. gamingchairheater on

      From what little knowledge i have on earthquakes, there is a faster wave that reaches you first, on stronger earthquakes you can feel it, and if you know what it is and react fast enough it can probably save your life. Also the further away the earthquake is the bigger the delay between the faster wave and the rest of the earthquake.

      Please someone correct me if i am wrong!

    2. I don’t know that much about earthquakes but I think this is called spidey sense

    3. DentistEmbarrassed70 on

      It wasn’t spider senses he felt what was the first initial slip of the plates that happens just before the actual quake of the plate readjusting its very faint and very fast t quakes afteare usually anywhere from 3 to 5s behind that one

    4. NatureGymratLady1 on

      Good thing all of em are safe, and this guy have good senses .. manage to feel the quake just right in time..

    5. Itcouldberabies on

      He’s half man, half dog. He’s his own best friend.


    6. Not sure about other people but I get a very specific type of vertigo feeling right before quakes which gives me about the same amount of reaction time he seemed to have

    7. I don’t see there is enough time to do something. If your are in a building with several stories, you could be pretty much fucked. Probably just try to hide below a desk.

    8. he probably heard the rumble and then it hit. Well that’s what happens to me. I live in Southern California and we get them so often. You can hear them Before they hit and you could kinda tell it’s it’s gonna be a big one or small one

    9. Kimber-Says-04 on

      When I lived in LA, I felt a few minor earthquakes – my cats reacted before I knew anything but I will say that I heard it before I felt it so maybe this dad heard that same freight train sound.

    10. Normal-Background-74 on

      I live in Southern California, and after many earthquakes that I have experienced, you can feel something and know when is going to shake

    11. Affectionate_Oven428 on

      Just as a safety tip, don’t stand outside a building with big windows during or shortly after an earthquake. You risk being hit with fallen windows or pieces of glass.

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