Why did Biden do this?

    by MoreMotivation


    1. unlicensed_dentist on

      Every time……no one but the brainwashed are surprised by it anymore.

    2. BeyondDrivenEh on

      The MAGAts would do well to know that the majority of voters are not low information voters like they are.

      Except that would require actual, factual knowledge.

    3. They refuse to let Biden and the Democrats have anything that might remotely resemble a win in an election year even if that results in a lot of people, including their own supporters, getting hurt or killed.

      They refuse to even attempt to seriously govern, they see politics as a game to be won, not as a tool to help people.

      And their supporters will blame Biden and the Democrats despite the Republicans blatantly blocking every effort to help people, they’re blind to the obvious. They’ll blindly believe the Republicans when they blame Biden and the Democrats and refuse to look at the actual voting records which clearly show it’s the Republicans blocking everything.

    4. This is the republicans MO and has been for my entire life.

      They rant and rave about how government can’t do anything right, and they spend their entire careers being roadblocks and ensuring that nothing can get done.

      They’re the problem. They’ve always been the problem.

    5. thehillshaveI on

      now now, biden didn’t do anything. as we all know kamala harris has secretly been president all along. we just never knew it because republicans went from ignoring that she exists to blaming everything on her literally overnight.

    6. Iamthewalrusforreal on

      Republicans refuse supplemental funding request from SecState to beef up security in Libya.

      “Clinton got our people killed in Benghazi!”

      Republicans refuse to pass border bill.

      “Biden is letting all the illegal immigrants in!”

      Republicans refuse to fund FEMA.

      “FEMA and Biden are letting people die!”

      These people are worse than worthless – they’re callous.

    7. MeetTheGrimets on

      Close, but it would be more accurate if they stuck the stick into someone else’s wheel, usually their supporters.

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