Screw over tens of millions in hopes of screwing over hundreds of millions

    by Accurate-Entry


    1. NomDePlume007 on

      And you know they won’t pass anything in the lame-duck session either.

      If this disaster aid was going directly to insurance companies and billionaires, you know that legislation would be passed so fast it’d make your head spin. Complete with rosy kiss marks all over from the Repubes.


    2. Well, it seems that their “big” October surprise was going to be that port strike in an attempt to shit down the economy, but that didn’t work out too well for them, so now they are attacking victims of a natural disaster. Talk about salty losers.

    3. “That’s pretty fucked, even for them.”

      No it isn’t. Not at all. Anyone paying even the tiniest amount of attention to today’s GOP knows that there simply is no bottom.

    4. CapAccomplished8072 on

      The goal is harming the other side, no matter the cost.
      Poisoning the earth and air?
      ruining a company or destroying property?
      poisoning the water?
      Ruining other people’s lives?
      All of this is to “spite the libs?
      These are people who are comically/cartoonishly evil….and their own constituents are too stupid to get it.

    5. This is so fucking out of control, and we have completely lost the narrative over the lies being spewed from every corner of social media.

      The safety of rescue workers is now real, as more and more threats to their safety are exposed.

    6. Existing_View4281 on

      Seriously who the fuck are these people that sit around and think, “What can I do to be even more of an unfuckable shitty fucking person and hurt as many people as possible and I can make a buck?”

    7. the_millenial_falcon on

      Man we have got to get people more civically engaged so bullshit like this doesn’t work.

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