Bribing for votes 👀

    by javelin3000


    1. It’s not legal and it’s time to through the anti-American South African Nazi in jail

    2. Loan forgiveness is a bribe too, same as paying for millions of immigrants putting them in luxury apartments and giving them loaded ebt cards

    3. “Support the constitution by voting for the guy that talks about getting rid of the constitution!”…

    4. They don’t care. As long as they keep getting away with felonies, they will keep doing felonies.

    5. Don’t conservatives usually claim to be patriotic? Is 47 bucks really all it takes to undermine your own country?

    6. Since votes are still anonymous and they can’t check if you did it, no, 90% sure it’s legal, so yeah… free money

    7. Looks like there are 2 facepalm here (turns out that my spelling-foo sucks.. Ugh so probably only 1?):

      “bear arms”? Really? You want to arm the bears? (Well, spelling might be correct but I say my interpretation is better!!!! – also hate English)

      Also, the $47 per person bribe to vote for Trump.. Yah… Though he probably is trying to get away by saying that the $$ isn’t strictly FOR the vote but for referral to sign the petition.

    8. Odd-Discipline-4306 on

      I support the constitution and because of that I would never vote for Trump. Do I still get the money!?

    9. ImportantWest4506 on

      They’re not paying people to vote a certain way, they’re paying them to sign a petition which is legal.

    10. Elefantenjohn on

      while it adresses voters, it is a petition to something else, isn’t it?

      but is a petition paid with money worth something? is a petition worth something in the first place?

    11. Athlete_Cautious on

      It’s juste a petition after all, but bribing for signatures just make it irrelevant. And costly.

      What does it show exactly ? People support for free spech & stuff, or just people love for money ? Cus we already knew that

    12. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      He is just *desperate* to interfere in this election. Even if this isn’t illegal, it should be. 😑

    13. It isn’t legal. At this point, I hope the DOJ is just biding its time and will bring the hammer down on all these clowns after the election. If the Feds make their move before, the Maggots will just get further riled up and cry about “election interference.”

    14. It’s not legal, but he’s a billionaire so he’ll face zero consequences. Laws are only for us poors.

    15. LeagueNarrow805 on

      Reading the comments like Damn these kids are full blown socialist totalitarian fascists. 👀
      Someone offers you $47 instead of sending it to Zelenkiyiyi, and you need a pacifier?? Jesus..

    16. DerApexPredator on

      I don’t get how it’s bringing for votes? It’s some petition that’ll be referred to someone in a swing state. How does this relate to votes? Can someone explain?

    17. What’s that phrase republicans like to use on immigrants? Oh yeah, go back to where you came from.

    18. TheHighBuddha on

      This reddit community is fucking stupid.

      Nobody is paying the people signing the petition they are paying the person who is collecting signatures.

      How any of you made it out of grade school with the reading comprehension of a potato is beyond me.

    19. Let me just use my botnet to sign up a ton of people, then give that money to the Harris campaign.

    20. The petition seems stupid, but I don’t think it’s against the law to refer someone to sign a petition. It’s definitely not “bribing for votes”.

    21. No-Carpenter-3457 on

      “Oh sorrah guys, I forgot to put the /s at the bottom. No money really.”

      And this is America, over half of the 1 mil will lie for the possible $ anyway.

    22. hmmmmm Bribe with cash, Or bribe with empty promises. hey… the choice is yours Is guess

    23. Countryboy012 on

      Our freedom of speech has been trampled on these past 4 years, especially online. X and Reddit for the most part, is the 2 last frontiers where we have true freedom of speech.

    24. Very illegal, but as was demonstrated on Jan 6, they just don’t care, they think they are untouchable, because they stacked the deck with the SCOTUS appointments, including the one they stole from Obama.

    25. Different_Ad7655 on

      This guy is in so deep. Muskmelon wants deregulation, badly especially Bitcoin oh yeah this is where he has his future all staked out.. Donald will probably deliver the deregulation that he gets a hard on about. Democracy lol

    26. As much as I enjoy lambasting Leon Skum, how is this any different than paying petitioners to collect signatures? He is not paying people to sign the petition. He is paying people to get signatures, just like every other paid petitioner is paid. Of course, I question the large amount and I seriously doubt anybody will be paid anything.

    27. Im so confused. No one is against free speech and right to arms…but isnt he literally the person banning people on his social media? so much for free speech

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