My grandma with Kenny Rogers 1989

    by Lower-Strawberry555


    1. Working-Spirit2873 on

      He was raised in Crockett, Texas. My ex brother in law used to donate clothes to Kenny’s family. 
      I am *this* close to fame!

    2. Kenny is looking fine and in his prime. Gram probably never washed that top again because he touched it.

    3. I remember him doing a comedy bit with Alan Thicke when Alan had a daytime talk show. Alan was on location at Kenny’s estate for an interview only to find he’s locked out, and waiting outside the gates already was the national winner of the Kenny Rogers lookalike contest (Rogers himself of course) who was also supposed to be allowed in that day to meet Rogers. The lookalike sees the camera and realizes he’s on tv and starts singing KR songs badly.

    4. 🎵On a warm summer’s evening

      On a train bound for nowhere

      I met up with the gambler🎵

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