Unfortunately they took him seriously

    by Coffin_Builder


    1. You know how an ant is stupid but a colony of ants is kinda sophisticated. Yeah, that works with people too.

    2. Helvin_Purpure on

      1. You came to power by democratic vote.
      2. Done it in a failed state, where inflation was so crazy, that employers were forced to give workers salary each day, because the next day their salary would be almost worthless.
      3. Your country wasn’t allowed to have any significant military after WW1 and was constantly bullied by world superpowers of that time.
      4. Your country, obviously, weren’t allowed to have colonies, which most of the world superpowers used to build their wealth.
      5. You still managed to rebuild your country back to being an economical and military superpower and conquered 2/3 of Europe, while being opposed by GB, France, US and USSR the most powerful countries of the world at that time.
      6. Clowns on 4chan and Reddit still mad about your existence a century later and call you LE STUPID for not being able to win a war against the entire world, even if you gave a good fight and still lose fewer soldiers and civilians than your enemies. They use you as a proof of totalitarism being ineffective comparing to democracy.

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