Oswald Mosley … YOU SHALL NOT PASS

    by FSB-Bot


    1. *Repost because the one earlier was still on the US weekend apperently.*

      4 October 1936 the British Union of Fascist clashed with counter protestors in the Battle of Cable Streets. The Facists were outnumbered 100 to 1 and faced a united front by almost everybody.

      Shit, stones throwing and street blockades … a nice afternoon debate I would say.



      That post on the German sub was the inspiration


      For those who do not speak it:

      **Audio** in the beginning: *All together against the Facism*

      **Text:** *East Enders – Jews – Irish Catholics dock workers – Communists – Trade unionists – 300,000 counter protesters in total – Street blockades, rocks and rubbish*

    2. john_andrew_smith101 on

      It was a pretty similar disparity at the nazi rally at Madison Square Garden here in the states. It consisted of 20,000 nazis that were bussed in from all across the country, against 100,000 new yorkers. The only reason that it didn’t devolve into bloodshed was because Mayor LaGuardia ordered the police to protect them, gambling that the nazis would shoot themselves in the foot. The gamble paid off, and the german american bund withered away into nothingness.

    3. I’d like to point out that the real Mr Krabs would reject fascism wholeheartedly, not least because they’d want him not to serve (and therefore not to take the money of) certain customers.

    4. God, I know I should focus on his horrible beliefs and willingness to sell his country out but Oswald Mosley was a pathetic dork too.

    5. That’s pretty good timing. I just started watching season 5 of Peaky Blinders, and he’s the main antagonist

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