Damn what an answer!

    by Spiderwig144


    1. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Well… Sarah Huckabee Sanders is an awful person and she took all the Ozempic which is why it’s so expensive now. Prove me wrong. LoOk, I’ll wait. Bad person.

    2. Gov Huckabee Sanders is a felon in waiting and for the dumbest reason. A lecturn?!? That is some of the laziest attempt at fraud I’ve ever heard of. This may be a weird measure to wrap one’s head around, but if these people can’t even do crime properly and get away with it, they are neither smart enough nor organized enough to govern. Minimum bar is you don’t get caught. It’s not hard.

    3. Happy_Nutty_Me on

      I have 4 kids, they never inspired/aspired me to be humble. On the contrary, they aspired/inspired me to kick ass (sometimes theirs 😉) as much as I needed to.
      That said, Kamala is 100% right: this is not the 1950s/60s anymore and the conservative magoats need to get it drilled in their tiny one brain cell once and for all that the value of women does NOT rest on their reproducing organs and/or spawns but on their abilities to contribute positively to society in whichever ways they choose.

    4. GoredonTheDestroyer on

      I said it like an hour ago, but

      *If you feel the need to brag about how humble you are, everyone around you can rest assured that you are not.*

    5. gomezwhitney0723 on

      I wish she would have told everyone what Trump does to make her humble.. is it the nonstop lies? Is it the constant name calling and negative talk? Is it because he says that he (and absolutely nobody else) can fix every single problem on day one?

    6. Right on. Hickabeast has a degree and has been a working mother for years. She may wear troll dresses from an Amish R Us catalogue but no amount of Ozempic is gonna change she’s as rotten as any politician. She pretends to be religious but bears false witness and steals from taxpayers. Typical Pharisee.

    7. GadreelsSword on

      Families came in all shapes and forms in the 1950’s. People just pretended they didn’t.

    8. Fast_Vehicle_1888 on

      What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me being so awesome.


    9. Crammit-Deadfinger on

      I hate to bring up sometimes appearance, but Sarah’s face has to do a good job of keeping her humble

    10. Megane_Senpai on

      Kamala has children, and grand children. They are not hers by blood doesn’t mean they are any less real as other children.

      Also, Sarah Huckabee Sander’s kids clearly didn’t make her humble, or sensible, or just decent. And no humber person calls themself “humble”.

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