Justice Department must stop Elon Musk’s illegal scheme to pay conservatives to register to vote

    by grahamlester


    1. finding a new MAGA is a blood out of a turnip situation, so I guess this is what they’re resorting to

    2. Between this and his mother encouraging people to vote multiple times with fake names, I hope some charges are brought against the Musk crime family.

    3. I thought the registration deadline for most states was tomorrow. Isn’t it a bit too late for this scheme?

    4. Frankly it’s probably just a data collection scam to put people on mailing lists. There is no “petition” and petitions don’t mean shit. I can’t imagine this would be accepted for any election-related government function like registration.

      It would only be a problem if the mailing list is used to offer respondents payment for voting a certain way, if they provide proof of their vote.

    5. BoomZhakaLaka on

      [FEC | SSF | Conducting voter registration and GOTV drives](https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/making-disbursements-ssf-or-connected-organization/conducting-voter-registration-and-get-out-the-vote-drives-corporation-labor-organization/)

      this is like the fetal personhood problem. It’s a win-win for him.

      I encourage everyone to read these rules carefully. Registration drives can and frequently do pay organizers per person registered, but they can’t be paid for how many trump voters they find. They pay the organizers, not the voters. But that rule 2 (at above link) probably sinks him. And Elon probably isn’t keeping records in the required form.

      He clearly desires a trump win, but I imagine he’ll take as a consolation prize the opportunity to argue in front of a federal judge, later, that voter drives are illegal in the way they’re usually done.

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