Stay humble, Sarah

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Designer-Contract852 on

      Welp, Sarah’s kids failed at that job. I’ve never seen such a horrible ugly tacky monster convinced she’s the popular prom queen.  Didn’t she steal money from the state to buy a gold encrusted podium, hideous mumus, and trips to Paris?

    2. Has there ever been a demand from the right wing, in the modern era, for men to be humble? Why not?

    3. Kid_Named_Trey on

      Sarah gives me the willies. She’s clearly an awful person but something about her demeanor and mannerisms make me uncomfortable.

    4. Purple-Negotiation81 on

      One of my favorite descriptions of Sarah is
      “She looks like Marie Osmond in a K-hole”

    5. Pandoras_Fate on

      Sarah Huckabee and her disgusting family support the Duggars. Who gives a shit what she says

    6. everythingbeeps on

      Weird how somehow every single picture of Sanders is the most unflattering picture possible.

    7. Funny that anyone who makes her constituents foot the bill for a *$19,000 lectern* has the audacity to claim that someone else isn’t “humble”.

    8. I don’t know about Sarah, but I feel like my kids contribute more to my feelings of pride than feelings of being humbled.


    9. GoredonTheDestroyer on

      If you feel you must brag about how humble you are, those around you can rest assured that you are not.

    10. Hmm, shouldn’t she be home with her babies, then, instead of being the Governor of Arkansas?

      Oh wait, I forgot, the GOP doesn’t care about babies *after* they’re born.

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