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    by Afterswiftie


    1. Ya, they’ve been this way for ages.

      I remember about a decade back, there was some GOP Senator who was asked in an interview if her thought Obama was born in America. He wouldn’t fucking answer.

      They keep doing this cowardly, passive aggressive bullshit where they give a non-response in order to avoid saying no. It’s pathetic.

    2. “And to your left and to your right you’ll find two examples of Republicans refusing to acknowledge reality as they are being held hostage by their very own constituent’s collective misguided belief that the ‘election was stolen’ which was conceived thanks to misinformation and ‘alternative facts’ created and pushed by convicted felon Donald Trump and Fox News, an entertainment company posing as a news network.”

    3. They won’t get blessings from supreme leader if they don’t bend the knee constantly. He will cut funding to anyone not puckering their lips, and has proven so in the past.

    4. TedBaxter_WJM-TVNews on

      Trump is a loser, it’s just that these spineless asshole Republicans just don’t have the balls to say it out loud.

    5. Obviously Democrats should be calling Trump the loser of the last election at every opportunity. In the Senate and House. Make sure they say it so it’s on record.

      Trump has obviously forbade MAGA from calling him a loser so if you thought being called weird was triggering….

    6. Admirable_Nothing on

      Trump has stuck them with following him in the Big Lie. Ultimately that Big Lie will ruin the MAGA movement.

    7. 1984isAMidlifeCrisis on

      So much of the bullshit that they’ve been slinging is piled on a single bullshit predicate. They know that if you take out the one thing holding it all up a whole lot of bullshit is going to rain down on them.

    8. Big-Atmosphere-6537 on

      It is simple. If they admit he lost in 2020 they will be attacked by their supporters.

    9. “It was an unfair election in many ways…like Covid exposing Trump as an incompetent, know nothing buffoon, and Democrats outvoting us by wide margins.”

    10. Did Trump lose?

      I want to talk about the future.

      Yes or no, did Trump lose?

      So what about Hunter’s laptop?

    11. Designer-Contract852 on

      They are trying to make the future the dark past so after answering about the future the reporter needs to start in on project 2025.

    12. They want to “talk about the future” while still being obsessed with the Civil War, World War 2, and 9/11.

    13. mamapeacelovebliss on

      Can we all agree these people need to be voted out of office and never have the privilege to hold any office of power again? It’s tiring this level of incompetence in our elected government officials.

    14. They have not been made to say it under oath so it isn’t true imo.

      They’re also gonna say he never stopped being president if somehow gets sworn in.

    15. veronicainftl on

      ReCULTicans hate to admit that they are a bunch of losers …


    16. What’s the gotcha part about this, Repubs? Did he lose the election? The correct answer is yes. Any answer other than “Yes” makes you look stupid. So say yes, Trump lost the election. That is the correct answer.

    17. They know without question that Biden won. They’re too afraid of trump calling them names to say it publicly. Republicans are weak and without dignity.

    18. Gardening_investor on

      Everything is a gotcha question when your party refuses to live in reality and any doses of reality are met swiftly with rebukes and death threats from fellow republicans.

    19. This is all because they don’t want to look bad when Trump does it again. They are all spinless shits cowering in the corner afraid of Trump.

    20. Obviously they can’t upset Glorious Leader. You know what happens to anyone who doesn’t worship him properly!

    21. I want to talk about the future.

      Ok, if Trump loses in November will you acknowledge that?

      *same refusal to answer

    22. At some point there has to be accountability right? People are dead because of this bullshit, and a candidate who should be tried for treason is somehow running again. They say you have to cut the head off the snake, but at this point, theres a lot of snakes and a lot of heads to cut off. Metaphorically speaking, I think

    23. They had plenty of opportunities to pitch the old loser back into his slimy swamp, yet have chosen to continue fondling his tiny thin-skinned little delicates until the bitter end.

    24. Bitey_the_Squirrel on

      Would the Republican Party like to order an Angel Shot with lime? Blink twice if yes.

    25. Everheart1955 on

      It’s because they are cowards, they know the answer, they’re just terrified to get on the Mob Boss’s bad side.

    26. Why do we keep asking that question?? I. Do. Not. Care. That. They. Can. Not. Answer. An. ALREADY ANSWERED QUESTION

    27. They want to say yes he did lose but they’re so captured by Trump and his cult-like fanbase that they’d get primaried out should they not toe the line. The funny thing is that Trump hasn’t given republicans any electoral victories and has consistently fielded dogshit candidates that have no business in national races.

    28. Every Repugnican should be asked this in front of as many cameras as possible all the time. 

    29. Who won the 2020 election?

      HEAD KNIGHT: Don’t say that word!

      ARTHUR: What word?

      HEAD KNIGHT: I cannot tell, suffice to say is one of the words the Knights Who Say Ni cannot hear.

    30. These fucking idiots need to never win another election again as the GOP. I hope it splits and never has a majority again. Harris 2024!

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