There is so much wrong with this

    by bettercallme_


    1. 100% has a copy of Mein Kampf on her book shelf if not *her* coffee table or nightstand possibly all three places plus maybe bathroom


    2. davidgrayPhotography on

      Foreign Kamala supporter: “I think you’re doing a great job”
      Foreign Trump supporter: “I think you’re doing a great job”|
      MAGA: “Why thank you! It’s so nice to know that we’re liked all around the world!”

    3. PancakeMakerAtLarge on

      What’s this? An Aryan-looking chick from Germany is praising Trump’s movement as good for the future of “Western civilization”?

      Yeah, that’s definitely not cause for introspection and a sharp correcting of the ship. /s

    4. Why am I not surprised a Nazi came to America to see a Hitler wannabe and is inspired by him.

    5. Germany has its own far right problem. As does most of the world. Unfortunately the internet has allowed these fascists to find each other.

    6. VibratingPickle2 on

      Mass hypnosis can make stupid folks in other countries imagine Trump is their leader.

    7. That is an impressive AI image but one of the folks in the BG has extra fingers, he there’s her face…

    8. She needs to be concerned with putting some Burt’s Bees on them crusty ass wafer’s she call lips.

    9. ccccombobreakerx on

      Well, that’s a pretty dumb German, then, that doesn’t understand she supports someone who would destroy America. Or she does and that’s what she wants. Either way is bad.

    10. Independent_Main_59 on

      A future nazi coming to get some tips from the American professionals on the correct way for a nazi party to behave so people don’t realize what they really are

    11. She didn’t have to go that far. Budapest or Moscow would be much closer and she can see far right wing brain dead hate groups there just as easily.

    12. She is honoring German tradition by being on the wrong side of history. I’m hoping she couldn’t find any other German ridiculous enough to accompany her.

    13. DaFlyingMagician on

      Such a shame when you see a relatively attractive person and find out they’re racist af… or have the most brainrot beliefs.

    14. Otherwise-Wash-4568 on

      They shipping in Germans to try to get them to vote in the election 😱

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