Is this the Devil shaking Trump’s hand, or is it Elon Musk shaking the Devil’s hand?

    by Bitsoffreshness


    1. Our infatuation with money and more specifically putting people with money on a pedestal is our downfall as a country. The worship of people based on what we want most blinds us. These two deserve each other, as they are both charlatans.

    2. I think it’s the False Prophet shaking the hand of the Antichrist hand, but it could be anything, really.

    3. That’s Musk’s “Nah-Bro-I-ain’t-hawk-tuahing-you-live-on stage-how-about-we-leave-that-to-later-OK?”” face…

    4. The devil, they say, appears in many forms. Idsay that can include a group of people. Like a political party.

    5. Neither. You think Lucifer wants anything to do with these asshats? He’s clearly too busying doing cool shit like inspiring Ghost’s next album or something.

    6. One is the ultimate failed business man and the other is an uber successful con man… signs checks, misleads shareholders, and takes credit for the few good things Tesla has actually done. Garbage humans.

    7. Musk is going to do something unprecedented with Twitter very soon. Next level propaganda.

      Any non-cultist still on there will say “we should have abandoned ship long ago” and pretend like it wasn’t the obvious choice the moment musk bought it.

    8. LaughingAtNonsense on

      How does Elon look like he has been dead for years? Holy fuck he looks like shit.

    9. That’s the drug filled mind of someone that needs to brain drain in order to peddle the bullshit he does, knowing it’s all bullshit.

    10. How do Republicans never ask themselves why their politicians all look like ghouls and warlocks? Clear evidence of dark side use. They’ve been using the darkhold.

    11. TheMagicalMatt on

      Please don’t boost their egos more than they already have been. Elon Musk is a pawn like Trump, at the very best. Tools. Puppets. Instruments. Prostitutes. Bought, paid for, and owned by their sponsors. They *wish* they could stack up to the devil.

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