Jackie Fisher was on Speed

    by Phantion-


    1. Schrodingers_RailBus on

      Ironical Jackie was proven right about speed – the Bismarck came close to getting away because she was such a speedy boi.

      If it wasn’t for Force H folding some fresh Swordfish planes out of napkins as quickly as they did, Bismarck would have sped away to the safety of the Kriegsmarine’s Breasts

    2. Some_Cockroach2109 on

      Contrary to popular belief, HMS Hood was relatively well armoured after her extensive refit post Jutland, with her receiving up to 12 inches of belt armor and some improvement to her deck armoy. Hood blowing up was the result of some pretty good gunnery and an insane amount of luck. I highly recommend Drachinifel’s videos on the subject

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