Rusty shows who’s boss

    by heke1112


    1. Budget_Run5500 on

      The horse literary jumped the fence and said, I joining the race, I am wining the race and I am taking home the prize money

    2. TheUnderking89 on

      Rusty actually helped some of the riders in the middle to advance into competative positions

    3. Elchen_Warmage on

      Horses love to race. We had horses that would load themselves into the trailer even if we weren’t taking them to the edurance race. A horse can be tired after a long day riding, but give him someone coming past him at speed and suddenly he’s fresh barreling aling.

    4. BellaLvDelights on

      I absolutely adore it! It’s as if the horse is declaring, “I am familiar with this game and I excel at it.”

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