Hubble’s View of the Pillars of Creation

    by Kanute3333


    1. from the [Wiki]( article:

      ‘Images taken with the [Spitzer Space Telescope]( uncovered a cloud of dust in the vicinity of the Pillars of Creation that hypothetically could be a [shock wave]( produced by a [supernova]( The appearance of the cloud suggests the supernova shockwave would have destroyed the Pillars of Creation 6,000 years ago. Given the distance of roughly 7,000 light-years between Earth and the Pillars of Creation, this would mean that they have actually already been destroyed, but because [light travels at a finite speed](, this destruction should be visible from Earth in about 1,000 years.’

      …which means that, in the history of humanity, we are very fortunate to have these images!

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