In a span of only 8 years, Neo-fascism went from the underbelly of 4chan to being the main ideological camp of American conservatism.

    by Outrageous_Sector544


    1. The same people who want to cancel players for kneeling down for the anthem and, in their eyes, disrespecting the flag and those who fought for it. Now they’re basically saying those same people that died for it were the bad guys and that is somehow not more disrespectful than kneeling during an anthem for a cause completely unrelated to what they claimed it offended?

    2. ParticularAd8919 on

      Bro, the “good guys” as you call them would have murdered you for being part of a supposedly inferior race. That goes for the Nazis and Japan….

    3. Royce White Supremacist, AKA self-hating black man afflicted with serious mental illness. How can anyone vote for this chucklefuck?

    4. AreYouDoneNow on

      Half of the people on 4chan are kids being edgy and ironic and the other half are dead serious. The problem is trying to tell which is which, but the solution is never go there.

    5. Hes not entirely wrong. They certainly didnt win but they also didnt lose. Nazi Germany was certainly defeated but Fascism as an ideology wasnt. Case in point, this guy.

    6. Thin-Zookeepergame46 on

      He didnt think about what would happen if the “good guys” won then? Spoiler: He would probably not even be born.

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