This is messed up

    by uDoucheChill


    1. Has it been confirmed that the account is run by Muskrat’s mother or could this be another of his sock puppets?

    2. Massive_Pressure_516 on

      Foreign born elite admits to subverting democracy and attempting to make America a one party state that aligns with their sick world view. It’d be the perfect GOP talking point that would give hunter biden’s mythical laptop a run for it’s money if it wasn’t about Republicans. Horror and corruption like that is just a tuesday for them.

      Fucking weirdos.

    3. Let’s be as clear as we possibly can:

      This is *precisely* what they want. They don’t care about who votes illegally, and *for* who, they just want to throw absolute chaos into the voting booths this election – to ensure **that the votes are questionable, and can’t be verified.** In any/every/whatever districts they can, they don’t care who winds up in jail for it (it won’t be Musk).

      Because: Uncertainty in the voting results leads to throwing the election to the House of Representatives to decide, with one vote tallied **per state** to decide on who will be the next President. This is literally all and everything they care about. It is a legal move for a coup.

    4. SnootSnootBasilisk on

      I’m glad Vivien got out while she could. That family tree is rotted from the root up

    5. ArjunaIndrastra on

      That IS illegal, you dumb Apartheid banana bitch. I can bet that Anal Muskrat’s dad didn’t marry her for her brains since she clearly has none. Stay in South Africa and tell your demon spawn to come back home. I don’t want your filthy racist hands anywhere near my country.

    6. No_Hovercraft_3954 on

      I hope the FBI is watching that immigrant family for the sake of America’s national security. They are known to have ties to dictators all over the world. Governors are blaming overseas parties for spreading the hurricane misinformation aimed at survivors. Deliberately causing chaos and confusion where so many have died.
      But Elon Musk amplified that misinformation for days. Despite knowing the harm it was inflicting on survivors of tragedy.

    7. I keep telling people there isn’t any evidence of immigrants committing mass voter fraud, and then this bitch comes along.

    8. She knows nothing about how voting works, the legality of her proposal, or basic math apparently (how does voting 10 times = 100 votes??)

      Yep, that’s Leon’s mom, all right

    9. KashmirRatCube on

      It’s almost like the wealthy act with no fear of facing repercussions for their actions because they never actually face any… 🤔

    10. It’s Elon pretending to be his mom so he cannot be directly charged. Kinda sucks for his mom though.

    11. Fragrant_Example_918 on

      This is amazing, the more republicans commit fraud, the more ammunition they give to show that THEY are the ones committing fraud and the less GoP voters will vote in the future (as in the ones committing fraud will be in jail).

    12. Of course she is saying this shit, she is not american and she doesn’t live here. What consequences will she face

    13. FalanorVoRaken on

      1) how is this an “option given by democrats?” (Its not, but what a wild justification)

      2) please, gqp, do this and get slapped with a felony that will prevent you from ever voting again. I’d cry for you so hard /s

    14. Funny how those who scream about “voter integrity” are always the ones advocating for, and being convicted of, voter fraud.

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