Throwback To When Flat Earthers Were Once A Abundant Species

    by Miserable_Target1932


    1. Left-Combination1481 on

      They believe a giant “ice wall” prevents anyone from reaching the edge. The earth is a circular disk with miles of ice on the outer edge.

      Source: met an actual flat earther on Reddit

      This site answers a lot of questions about what flat earthers believe

    2. Lol look at how his views went up. I wonder what motivated him to become an ex-flat earther.

    3. ThomasAnderson_23 on

      Who is this ex clown? Would like to see how he was convinced that the earth isn’t flat lol

    4. nice-view-from-here on

      I don’t believe in flat-earthers. The whole thing is a conspiracy. The illuminati would like you to think there are flat earthers but it’s only so you think you’re smarter than average and if you believe this then they can control you. If you meet someone who claims the world is flat, be suspicious: it’s most likely a trained agent working to deceive you into believing that they believe it. Open your eyes!

    5. How could you believe a hoax like this is possible. Humans could never pull off something like that. We are just too undisciplined and simple.

    6. bunbunzinlove on

      It actually takes courage to change one’s opinion. Good that he had that courage.

    7. This is a YouTuber who goes by Seek Truth Speak Truth.

      His retelling of how he fell into the flat earth grift, how it affected his life, and how he got out of it is quite compelling.

      Here is an interview he did with YouTuber Catz about his exit from flat earth.

    8. 71% of the earth surface is water and mostly saltwater. Only a tiny fraction of the freshwater is naturally carbonated. Therefore the earth is definitely flat.

    9. MACHOmanJITSU on

      Wrong. The earth rests on the shoulders of four mighty elephants that stand on the shell of a large and noble turtle..

    10. Yeah, my dad seems to be getting past this phase, too. He even believes in satellites again.

    11. DiarrheaMonkey- on

      They were never abundant. At least 98% of their online presence was people who thought it was funny to pretend to be one. Probably closer to 99.9%.

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