Post WW2, the Allies reverted the borders between Romania and Bulgaria to 1940, a year when the treaty of Craiova (a pro-axis treaty), were already in effect.
TheBigStink6969 on
I’m not sure we nailed the dismount on this one
Kikkomori on
Bulgaria, the only Axis country after WW2 to gain land vs Poland, the only Allied country after WW2 to lose land.
LibertyChecked28 on
Why would Stalin have to explain anything when it was Romania who occupied that territory?
We didn’t sieze the entirety of Dobrugea, we just took back what the Romanians have stolen in BW2.
NasuPantelica on
Nono, Stalin had nothing to do with this.
DerGovernator on
Bulgaria had done little to actually help the Axis invasion of the USSR, while Romania helped a lot. Thus, after the war, Stalin sided with the country he thought hurt him the least in their ongoing border/ethnic dispute.
FederalSand666 on
Bulgaria and Romania were both axis powers, the region was mostly Bulgarian and so it was given to Bulgaria
Post WW2, the Allies reverted the borders between Romania and Bulgaria to 1940, a year when the treaty of Craiova (a pro-axis treaty), were already in effect.
I’m not sure we nailed the dismount on this one
Bulgaria, the only Axis country after WW2 to gain land vs Poland, the only Allied country after WW2 to lose land.
Why would Stalin have to explain anything when it was Romania who occupied that territory?
We didn’t sieze the entirety of Dobrugea, we just took back what the Romanians have stolen in BW2.
Nono, Stalin had nothing to do with this.
Bulgaria had done little to actually help the Axis invasion of the USSR, while Romania helped a lot. Thus, after the war, Stalin sided with the country he thought hurt him the least in their ongoing border/ethnic dispute.
Bulgaria and Romania were both axis powers, the region was mostly Bulgarian and so it was given to Bulgaria
Stalin’s over here like, “What borders?”