Misdirected anger

    by Enchant_Sticks


    1. PierreEscargoat on

      Isn’t being clapped for during the mandatory Salute Your Heroes portion of a baseball game enough? /s

    2. I was in the Army for 20+ years. I’ve probably talked with thousands of service members across all branches. Anyone who served and claims on social media that they never complained a single time are either liars or mutes.

    3. Only-Reach-3938 on

      “Veteran mad at mutually exclusive issues and directs anger at group with no PR for clout”

    4. He was separated from his wife and kids, for years, as a disabled veteran?

      That’s messed up. Wonder why he didn’t complain? The tit.

    5. OkExchange3959 on

      You can singlehandedly decide the result of this year’s election with one simple action:

      Telling everyone you know to register for voting.

      If you haven’t registered yet, visit http://www.vote.gov

      Republicans are unpopular and weird. This includes Project 2025. The only reason that this election is so close is that we are too lazy to register for voting. MAGAs always show up and vote, while sane people can’t be bothered to register.

      If more people had voted, Trump would have lost in 2016 by landslide. Republicans are TERRIFIED of high voter turnout. They have admitted that quite openly

      Voter registration ends on October 7th (in some states). Hurry up! Register for voting. Remind literally everyone you know to register. Registering yourself won’t be enough.

      I repeat: remind every. Single. Person. You can’t imagine how much impact 30 seconds of small talk can do.


    6. bathrobe_boogee on

      Stupid. The guys pointing out we have misguided spending. Just like we blow money on foreign nations but can’t relieve college debt. It’s all bull crap

    7. Republicans routinely vote against increasing veterans’ benefits but love to say how much they “support the troops.”

    8. It is not easy to get fucked up in war and then come to realize that the VA is not well funded, not well run and easy, prey to American profiteers.

    9. It’s a God damned job. You signed up to fight old men’s proxy wars that benefit nor protect America in no way what so ever.

    10. ThrowRArosecolor on

      Don’t Americans constantly say that places with free healthcare are awful because you have to wait for surgery? I don’t know anyone who has waited for 2.5 years!!!!

      American healthcare is so disturbing

    11. Wow 😳 they just assumed that he hates immigrants because of what he went through? WTF

    12. TexasShooter1983 on

      He’s not mad at immigrants….he’s mad at his government that cares more about immigrants than veterans. Reading comprehension must be tough for 90% of reddit dorks.

    13. Serious-Knee-5768 on

      His issue is with VA medical, not the regular US healthcare system. This is a total fabrication. Apples and oranges.

    14. People seem to think that immigrants come here and are handed a bag of cash, an apartment, insurance card, and an endless supply of food stamps. When in reality they come here to work for shady companies that actively encourage and seek illegals. They try to stay as anonymous as possible. Very few even apply for benefits out of fear and they rent from scummy people that neglect their properties.

    15. Ottfried-Gerbert on

      People who say they “never complained once” are usually in reality the biggest complainers.

    16. Idk if you know the amount of money going towards immigrants and not too our veterans.

    17. The Denial of not being smart enough to figure shit out yourself in this country is shocking…

    18. My great uncle had grenade shrapnel in his legs from Nam for years. He had a surgery planned to get it removed 30 years later and the VA kept rescheduling it and rescheduling it. He eventually fell in the shower, the shrapnel moved around, and shot a bubble into his heart killing him. The VA sucks but isnt illegals fault

    19. Chaos_unknown5 on

      He is criticizing the government though, he’s criticizing how they spend money on other things than the veterans who deserve the money for their service. He’s not blaming the illegal immigrants for getting money, he’s blaming the government for spending on them rather than veterans.

    20. Stop voting for Republicans and magically, you’ll have access to the programs you need without the multi-year wait.

      You may have to wait regardless, but at least it won’t be that long.

      I’d love to see some sort of cooperative between all hospitals, (private, public, etc) work together to ensure people can get timely care. Like, if your usual hospital can’t help, another hospital picks up that slack.

    21. Slappy_McJones on

      I bet Sargent Miller would just shake his head at little Rob’s disrespectful comments, but my dirt sailor buddies and I are not as refined as the sergeant and would love help Rob understand the situation.

    22. Apprehensive-Mouse53 on

      Imma tell you what my dad told me, from being a Marine, when I told him I was thinking about enlisting:

      “Son. Think real hard before you do this. Once you sign that dotted line, they own you.”

      I mean, you can’t bitch when you signed the paperwork. And last I checked, we were a volunteer army.

      Not that the VA or government has taken care of those who did. But, at the end of the day, they signed the documents. And we should, of course, do better to serve them in return. I watched the nightmare that my father went through with the VA and fighting for his benefits.


      Yet, even to save his own life, he would never vote against the party line. It was crazy.

      Anyway, point is, it ain’t the damn immigrants causing all the ruckus. It’s the GOP and their bullshit, most of all.

    23. WrongdoerOrdinary619 on

      He never said he was angry at immigrants. He said it was a shame that immigrants get treated better than veterans. Be better with your words, it’s embarrassing.

      Also, I hate republicans as much as I hate democrats.

    24. AValentineSolutions on

      My fiancée has been fighting with the VA to pay for her cancer treatments. We are STILL fighting with them. Know whowe blame? The VA for being a shit institution! Funny how that works.

    25. MediocreI_IRespond on

      Aren’t the US Armed Forces all volunteer? So those people made the decision to go kill some people who never had been a threat to their country and now complain about their own suffering?

    26. MalevolentNight on

      No one told you to sign up to go kill people in other countries for shit that isn’t our business. I know why so many vets have ptsd, because they’re not over there killing armed men, they’re doing what isnotreal is doing to Palestine. Would give me nightmares too.

    27. i-have-a-kuato on

      If veterans and first responders had Jon Stewart shaming elected officials for dragging their feet when it comes to giving them the care they deserves the man wouldn’t get an once of sleep for years. They would always find another excuse to hold up money that should be going for their care without question

    28. PoolRemarkable7663 on

      Wait til he finds out how many trains ran through his wife while he was out killing brown kids.

    29. Financial-Tower-7897 on

      Voluntarily fought in an endless war for which he can’t find exact justification, and now supports a draft dodger who sold out whatever effort this wounded vet was lied to that he fought for to the very terroristic regime for political gain, and that same bones spur individual now is embarrassed to be seen around people like this guy, whom he ridicules as losers. Yeah, that pity-ship ended in ‘Nam buddy – no one ever called you a “baby killer”, oh except Capt Bone Spurs.

    30. theseustheminotaur on

      He is so mad about his issue he is willing to elect the people that created it instead of the people trying to alleviate it. Stop playing the shell game as they try to get you to focus on something else instead of the actual problem

    31. Poorly-Drawn-Beagle on

      “Treated better?” How much of that wait time did you have to spend in a prison fifty miles outside of Santa Fe?

    32. BloodyRightToe on

      There is no draft. If you signed up for the military you can’t be surprised they sent you to war.

    33. CapTexAmerica on

      VA employee and patient here. I have problems with his statement about waiting 2 1/2 years.

      There is a protocol that doctors follow (including VA doctors) depending on the issue. For my back and my brother’s knees, we each had a variety of other attempts to deal with the symptoms until all other avenues were exhausted. I live in a large city and they sent me to a local (not VA) surgeon, who fixed that disc and I’m mobile again (thanks Doctor Carl!!). My brother lives in the middle of nowhere (by choice) and the nearest doctor capable of doing his knees was three hours away. He waited over a year for a slot to replace his right knee, and they replaced the left 3 months later. By contrast, they recommended my surgery ON THURSDAY and I was seen the following Wednesday.

      Looking at that scar, that looked like a lot of vascular work that *really* required a specialist. I’d bet money that he’d have had to wait the same amount of time on regular insurance (and possibly have been denied) trying to get that done because that kind of skill IS NOT CHEAP. If anything, it being covered by the VA is a 100% guarantee, so it’s possible that the only way he was able to get it was *because* of the VA, not despite it.

      So many people shit on the VA unfairly. Any issues we have right now are the fault of Congress, as we have been directed to perform a lot more work than we’re currently funded for. So…and I’m putting this as calmly as I can…”HOW THE FUCK IS IT OUR FAULT WHEN YOU DIDN’T FUND US FOR THE WORK YOU ORDERED US TO DO?!?!?!?”

      Thank you for allowing my rant.

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