The person I’m housesitting for watches Fox News so much it’s burned into their screen…

    by IntellectualMilk


    1. I’ve actually seen this before as a repair tech! Lady bought a big and expensive OLED, it was new tech at the time. She would turn it on in the AM and just leave it on Fox while she bebopped around. LG replaced the panel once, After the second replacement, they and my company told her it was no longer considered normal wear and tear since she knew her use was causing the problem 🤷‍♂️

    2. I’m listening to a podcast about the rise of Fox News (Slow Burn on Spotify) and this burning of the logo into TVs was very much part of the “obsession” of their viewers. Like no other “news” channel has a rabid fan base, likely because other channels actually offer news and not ridiculous conservative talk show entertainment.

    3. kizentheslayer on

      How is burn in still a thing? Have they not figured out how to prevent it let with out powering off the tv?

    4. Bigfoot_testicles on

      Yeaeaaahh, that’s not healthy. No one should rely solely on one news source.

    5. I’ve pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it is the system that is the issue and not any one president. No matter who is in office, they are still operating under a deeply flawed system where money makes right. This bs is just to keep us bickering amongst ourselves so that nothing truly gets resolved. I will still vote however nothing will be fixed until we all understand how much we are getting played.

    6. Pretty common actually, the break room TV at my old workplace was always tuned to Fox News and had burn in also. Now that I don’t work there, I can confess I’m the guy who reset the parental lock code (easy Google) and blocked all channels except MSNBC then watched people complaining with an evil grin on my face.

    7. My Mom did that with QVC back in the day. Now QVC may not have been quality television, but I can see the appeal of falling asleep to it. And it won’t rot your brain like Fox News.

    8. CorneliusEnterprises on

      The person you are house sitting for probably does not want the fact that you are house sitting blasted over the internet; nor their living habits, preferences.

      Respect your clients privacy.

    9. My parents used to be this way, but they weren’t watching it the entire time. I think they just liked having it running in the background even if they were an entire floor away, unable to make out a word. These days it’s more likely to be grandpa’s baseball or dog bloggers on YouTube.

    10. That also burns lies into the heads of 74 million viewers. It’s the actual space lasers Marjorie Green butch body Hogan talks about.

    11. Just had to prep someone’s second home for their return. Test all 12 TVs across the property. Bed, baths, offices, basically any space they can be in they put a TV. Every single one on Fox News.

    12. If constantly leaving your TV tuned into the 24 hour news cycle does this imagine what it does to your brain

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