Come for the racism, stay for the hypocrisy

    by BirthdayBoyStabMan


    1. Primary-Bookkeeper10 on

      Just your daily reminder that the modern GOP came into existence because Southern Democrats were mad at ~~Kennedy~~ LBJ for signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 causing a mass exodus to the Republican party. Every time I hear “This isn’t the party I grew up with” I’m like yes tf it is.

    2. BearPopeCageMatch on

      Because evangelicals are and have always been Jesus flavored evil. Even the Bible says evangelizing has a purpose but needs to be used sparingly.

    3. benevenstancian0 on

      Evangelicals are actively trying to hasten the Rapture. Their support of Israel is because they see this as the beginning of the end. The racism plays with a lot of them but even for the legit pious ones, Trump represents a figure they see as being divinely sent to help usher in the final showdown they’ve been itching for.

      Weird people.

    4. Friendly-Ice4288 on

      You ever meet the ones who are trying to end the world? J Carter had his evils like all leaders at some point but Trump is legit a tool to usher in the end of times for many evangelicals & southern Baptist. Irl they’re fucking NUTS!!!

    5. It’s because Jimmy Carter supports a woman’s right to choose and also signed bills regarding the use of fetal stem cell research.

      The Evangelical Right started gaining a lot of power during and after Carter’s presidency, and they were annoyed that he wasn’t as fundamentalist as they thought he would be. It was after Carter that Republicans started to really target the Evangelical vote and went super hard into being pro “Christian values” and anti-choice.

    6. They don’t read the Bible. They hate Jesus. They just like decorating their racism with crosses

    7. themengsk1761 on

      Because they don’t really believe in any of the shit they talk about regarding compassion or humility. They worship rich conservative white men as a path to political power, all the while people are continuing to flee from the vileness of the church.

      Have you seen megachurches? They’re gaudy, consumerist and disgusting. There’s no humility, compassion, or spirituality there, only a desire for more wealth and power while the public fabric of society dies further every year.

    8. Minimum_Respond4861 on

      Because to “them”, God wouldn’t be nice to black people every now and then.

    9. The *sole* value of conservatism is respect for and obedience to [one’s perception of] traditionally established hierarchy. To a conservative, the second-greatest injustice imaginable is for those [they perceive to be] on the bottom [of social hierarchy] to have access to the rights, credibility, and resources reserved for those on top. The first greatest injustice is for those on top to be bound by the restrictions, scrutiny, and lack of resources reserved for those on the bottom.

      Carter disrespected their hierarchy by promoting rights, credibility, and resources to those they consider [socially] inferior, while Trump respects their hierarchy by doing the opposite.

    10. PackOutrageous on

      He actually practices what they supposedly speak. Who wants to be shown up that way?

    11. dubawabsdubababy on

      It’s because white evangelicals are antithetical to anything Jesus said or taught

    12. Because there’s more people like Donald Trump than like Jimmy Carter. People like what they see in the world.

    13. Take a religion that basically says be good to each other, hand it over to multiple empires to tinker with and you get the American Conservative form of Christianity.

      Jesus may have never SAID don’t oppress marginalized groups, but they’re sure he meant it.

    14. ImightHaveMissed on

      Jesus did not stutter. In no uncertain terms he said to love your neighbor. Jimmy tried to. We should follow that as best we can. Love defeats hate

    15. Because Jimmy is a sincere believer.
      They hate sincerity!

      They literally hate their religion.

      Trump on the other hand represents power and evil.

      Overly religious people in the US are like cars that go up to 10 mph forward, and accelerate 0-100 in reverse in 10 seconds.

      I’ve know a few people who blatantly cheated on their wives at work. Every single one of them was a fundamentalist Christian.

    16. notresearch503 on

      Oh I know this one, because I’m a white southerner with a wealthy grandfather who lived in the southern Georgia area where Carter is from and knew him (I met him once), it’s simply this sentiment: “Carter is a great guy. Terrible president, but great guy.”

      They think he’s weak because of his economic policies and his handling of the Iran hostage situation.

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