A woman gave a hungry fox food and he came back with friends

    by abitchyuniverse


    1. Free-Bird-199- on

      This is why you should never feed wildlife.

      The foxes may become a nuisance and may need to be killed.

    2. ObligationScared4034 on

      The most interesting part is how incredibly stupid it is to feed wildlife, especially because foxes are among the highest carriers of rabies (in North America).

    3. the1godanswers2 on

      It freaked me out the first time I was in suburban London England and I saw foxes roaming wild.

    4. NatureGymratGal1 on

      If this happens to me, I’ll be happy making a spot for them.. so I can just leave food there..

    5. This reminds me of the street I grew up on the 90s. There was an old lady and the neighbor kids would ring her door bell and she would give us cookies. Literally every time she always had cookies. On the way to school, on the way back. Everyone knew her as “the cookie lady”. What a kind old woman she must’ve been.

    6. My grandma used to feed ducks every year at the cottage. Each year more and more would come.. At one point there must’ve been 1000s of ducks just chilling in the backyard and on the lake. Looking back at it now it seems crazy but at the time it was completely normal. She eventually stopped feeding them because there was so much shit everywhere. We weren’t allowed to go swimming because there was so much faecal matter in the water. For the next few years they come back but less and less. I’m seeing her soon, I’ll ask if I she has pictures. She’s now 89 years old.

    7. No-Presentation-6525 on

      That’s going to be a lot of mouths to feed. And the days to come? Might as well back a truck up.

    8. Exciting-Slice5943 on

      “Looks like this fox knows how to network! Who knew a little kindness would turn into a whole dinner party?”

    9. Tilty head is universal language for “I am cute please feeds me and I will be friends (for now, and also if you have chickens they don’t count)”

    10. No-Presentation-6525 on

      I only wish we had foxes. I live in AZ and we only have Coyotes. One aggressively came at me in the middle of the day while I was pulling weeds in the front yard. You can’t turn your back and run away, because they will SURELY eat you. So I charged at it to show aggression-screaming and waving my hands. It backed off for a second and then charged me back. Whelp, “game on” I continued screaming, swinging my hands at it but this time I started running towards it. So it knew to back off and run away.
      I hired landscapers after that. I’m nobodies meal!

    11. RedditFedoraAthiests on

      This would be the greatest day of my life. I would cancel everything, go to the store, buy a giant ass bag of cat food, and start to train my new Fox Army.

    12. jesus_does_crossfit on

      Do you want murder kitty-doggos? Because this is how you get murder kitty-doggos..


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