Does January 6th ring any bells.

    by h20poIo


    1. When Trump lost (he did), his followers threw an epic tantrum and attacked the Capitol and tried to murder Mike Pence. They told us everything we need to know

    2. ParticularAd8919 on

      They’ve been saying this every elections cycle for the last eight years.

    3. Could you imagine if the left acted like MAGA? MAGA would be to scared to do or say anything.

    4. PerformanceSmooth392 on

      I’m sure she was only hired for her “intellect and journalist skills” because isn’t that what the average fox viewer demands?

    5. What did Trump’s supporters do when he lost in 2020? Oh yeah. They destroyed the Capitol building, threw feces on the walls, marched confederate flags through the Capitol, replaced American flags with trump flags,physically hurt Capitol police and threatened to kill legislators and Mike Pence. When Hillary lost democrats went to work as usual but in a haze of disbelief.

    6. Heavy-Quail-7295 on

      It’s time to just ignore these people. They get paid to grab attention. Stop giving them attention.

    7. This rhetoric is huge in Republican circles. My whole life I was taught that Democrats are lazy unemployed pot smoking hippies and lazy minorities who want to live off of welfare instead of getting a job. It really took some work to de program myself from being taught that.

    8. Every accusation is a confession.


      I gotta get out of this country.

    9. Does she have access to a TV or a computer? None of these guys want to believe documented history. They all want to overlook January 6.

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