I am 5’7 and my feet can’t touch the ground in some of the Netherlands toilets.

    by Sensitive_Counter150


    1. Gullible-Function649 on

      Me too. I felt like a kid. Not surprising when the average height of men in Holland is 6’1” or 1.85m.

    2. I’m 5 foot (152cm) and live in the netherlands all my life. I learned to climb the shelves in the stores, I have to dodge elbows in the trains and have a little stool in the bathroom because I can’t comfortably shit with dangly feet, lol.

    3. In the Netherlands, only 12% of the young male population is under 5’9″.

      Over 20% of young Dutch men are taller than 6’3″.

    4. Tallest average height of any country on earth.

      ^(Now I’m just fantasizing about living there and not hitting my head on things ever again… Heaven.)

    5. PoundResponsible1807 on

      So like, I mean this in no way rude or offensive whatsoever, but do you have to like.. climb on the toilet to sit down? I’m genuinely curious 😭

    6. hugefartcannon on

      Tall toilets are very unhealthy. We need to be closer to a squat to shit properly.

    7. Jorel_Antonius on

      I too am 5′ 7″ when I was there for a month last year I noticed the same thing. Also light switches are at shoulder level over there lol. Trying to shave and brush my teeth with the bathroom counters was fun as well.

    8. Suspicious-World4957 on

      Short people lost playing Koekhappen and starved. That’s why they’re all so tall

    9. theblindbunny on

      This post + the comments makes me wanna travel to the Netherlands just to experience being not-too-tall for once. As a 6ft woman in one of the oldest cities of America, everything is so SHORT! I have to bend practically in half to wash my hands. I’m crouching on benches and even some toilets. I legit got denied an apartment before the showing, because they felt I was a liability due to the low ceiling.

    10. There is no way having all the weight of your body on your ass while shitting can be good for you/efficient. Id invest in a squatty potty.

    11. I’m half Dutch and I’m 151cms

      I’m pretyy pisssed my Dutch ancestors didn’t come through for those genes

    12. Antique_Equipment_99 on

      You are asying that like if 5’7″ wasn’t small for a man, you are in the 10% smallest

    13. Crimson_Scare_Crow on

      See in this moment, you pull out the Asian squat, climb on and squat on the seat!

    14. Extremely_unlikeable on

      I’m 5’9″ and love to sit anywhere thar I can swing my feet. It makes me feel childlike.

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