“That kind of rape isn’t the same”

    by sandy_shark


    1. Reminds me of my old therapist who laughed in my face when I told her that I was sexually assaulted by a woman, lmao people never cease to amaze me

    2. Yes it happens less often. And then? Slavery happens less often in some countries, but I guess that makes it ok, because it happens more in others? Like wtf logic is that!?

    3. I seem to recall female on male rape happens at something like 1/3 the rate of the opposite, so it’s less, but it’s hardly an insignificant rate, and no one should trivialize it. All rape is bad, period.

    4. so…. That means child SA is not the same as woman being SA’d too?

      The hell is that type of logic? Rape is still rape wtf, it doesn’t matter what age or gender. It’s traumatising. While sharing your past experiences to raise awareness do help, but there’s hell lot of dumbasses who never went through this shit saying “it’s not bad.”

      I’m so sorry that this person’s experience was invalidated.

    5. Oh, of course, not 12 hours after a see a post from a proud MAGAt talking about how “all men” indulge in “locker room talk” another idiot pops up with “not all men.”

    6. Idk the context but its not exactly the best thing type into a post about issues of women. And even if it was just then what do you expect when men put on their hands into things that arent their to decide. You cant really expect a friendly answer.

    7. Jolly_Rutabaga1260 on

      Saying to someone who confesses he got raped that he’s looking for attention is so fkg sickening.

      She doesn’t even realise that she incarnates this fkg major problem of blaming the victims saying they’re just looking for attention to just close all communication like a pos.

    8. The correct answer is “different people have different psychological responses to trauma”, but this bitch went another way.

    9. It’s not that it happens less often, it’s that the reported cases are MUCH lower than however many cases have happened

    10. Fun fact, the US military did a poll. Woman to man sexual assault was only a bit lower than rate for man to woman. What WAS much lower was the rate men reported it. It happens to men too. It’s not even statistically much more unlikely. But people like this shame men for their experience so we never say anything

    11. Make-TFT-Fun-Again on

      Technically women cant even rape men in most countries. It’s sexual assault at worst and they barely get sentenced for it.

    12. foolishdrunk211 on

      Interesting how many times someone is talking about men’s issues and a woman comes out of nowhere and applies it to women as well, but if a guy does the same thing omg it’s not okay

    13. How does the rate at which it happens make it different? How is any one rape less horrendous because of the relative rarity of the specific sub-type of rape? Is gay or lesbian rape less horrendous, too, because by sheer virtue of homosexuality being relatively uncommon its also rare, right? Because I bet my ass off the very thought of man-on-man or woman-on-woman rape would make this persons brain explode because they cant twist it into misandry.

    14. chewing_chewbacca69 on

      That most Sexual harrasment comes from man is a real issue but damn, whats her point? Even i the majority of Man would be bad, not all are

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