People still think the president has a magic button to make everything cheap or expensive as they wish?



    1. I_can_use_chopsticks on

      Dammit, Biden, why don’t you press the “make food cheaper” button? Geez, man, it’s just a button press. **It would be so easy to press a button and suddenly lower prices**. Why doesn’t the president just do this?

      Alternatively, I can see Trump having a “lower food prices” button installed in the Oval Office because he thinks that’s how it works. But I can also see him just not ever pressing it either.

    2. CriticalStation595 on

      It’s a corporate trick to keep taxes on them low and taxes on private citizens high.

    3. MissingMichigan on

      They love the idea of Trump putting tariffs on foreign products because they don’t realize the consumer pays the increased tax – not the company.

      Plus, he tends to put tariffs on stuff that is very popular and necessary, but no US company produces.


    4. TheLoneGunman559 on

      When you have no critical thinking skills, you’ll believe anything they tell you.

    5. Ok_Breakfast5425 on

      Hiking up the tariffs on all imported goods is sure to drive those prices back down

    6. They all REFUSE to acknowledge we are still under Trump’s tax plan everything is expensive because of that. It ends next year…

    7. Trump convinced many that the pres controls everything when they don’t.
      Good old greed is why we have high proofed. COVID -actually a reason to raise prices bc supply chains were all messed up. Now it’s pure profit.

    8. Epicporkchop79-7 on

      Anyone remember lumber prices? Or the miriad of things being scalped during 2020? Of course our inflation has nothing at all to do with the absurd values that a lot of companies say they are worth on Wallstreet. Those tax cuts being used for buyback certainly didn’t start the inflation ball rolling

    9. Separate-Owl369 on

      Does that mean more tax cuts for billionaires? because you know they will just pass that tax savings down to us. Right? /s

    10. Angry_Pterodactyl on

      Biden has a gas price dial under his desk that he turns down just before elections. According to MTG, it’s right next to the republican states hurricane lever

    11. And how do these people think the WH controls the costs for every other country in the world where prices have skyrocketed.

      The big orange Humpty Dumpty isn’t and can’t affect the prices in Canada, the UK, Meany, France, Spain, Italy, etc.

      How do these people think that Joe and Kamal made the housing prices rise in the above countries. He didn’t! It’s a global thing.

      More lies from the Humpty following.

    12. Yes they all think Trump will magically make things cheaper. They have no idea how the real world works.

    13. Conscious_Addendum66 on

      It’s because they believe Trump can use Executive Orders like Oprah with Christmas gifts. He can use laws from the 1800s to make industries do what he says without consequence to employees or shoppers.

      They think a president should run a nation like it’s his own business.

    14. xtheshadowsoul on



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