Because I will go to Wendy's October 8th and I don't wanna go if it's not real

    by StayDumb1


    1. Spongebob is doing mass advertisement with seemingly everyone in the restaurant/online space, so chances are this is real

    2. Therenegadegamer on

      It’s real but it’s just marketing it’s a normal ass Wendy’s burger with sauce my friend is dragging me to Wendy’s so he can try it but I’m just getting a baconator lol

    3. We had this in Canada for about a week now. It’s alright, just a different sauce on a Wendy’s Dave’s single. It’s not bad but sure not revolutionary

    4. Isn’t this just a Dave’s single? Slapping the spongebob trademark on it doesn’t change the fact its still a Dave’s single

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