Union Solidarity Forever

    by rex_charming


    1. Boeing went on strike after turning down I believe it was a 25% raise over 4 years.

      I’m lucky to get 3% in my industry. 🙁

    2. --StinkyPinky-- on

      Not if the alternative is sinking the Harris campaign and ending up with another four years of Trump.

      Daggett is just doing this to help Trump win in November.

      It’s clearly a Trump campaign “October surprise.”

    3. It’s not all at once. It’s not the percentage of the raise, necessarily, but the number of years it’s over.

    4. I don’t think you understand the irony of posting this here OP. Harold Daggert is a Mafia goon

    5. They wanted 75 the owners offered 50 it’s a compromise that could’ve happened without the strike

    6. Who pays for that increase? Doesn’t the cost of that just get passed down and fuel the increasing cost of things?

    7. Unless you’re a railroad worker. Then the feds can step in and go “yeah no back to work.” See: 2022.

    8. Couple of big issues with a medical worker strike.

      One: people could die. Some will call this leverage. They ain’t wrong.

      Two: rural hospitals and clinics are already failing at an alarming rate. In my area, if you need an ambulance, strong chance you get a helicopter ride. Super fuckin expensive. So theyre already operating at or near a loss. Literally cant afford raises. If you know someone working at a rural hospital, they’re working for less than they could be making. Labor of love.

      We need health care reform so bad you guys.

    9. Accomplished-Emu1883 on

      Wow- that was- huh. Honestly didn’t expect that, with the whole thing being done around the same time as Donald Trump meeting with the leader of that union. Lots of people thought that they were going to use the Strike to make shipping impossible on a large scale, tanking the economy so that the Republicans who don’t read would have more of a reason to vote for Trump.


      It sounds like they went “let’s give them something they would NEVER meet… and they will never let it happen, so that you can!- wait- wait no you weren’t supposed to- ooooh….”

      Either way, I can’t complain. Big win for the little guy. One time Trump does something good and it goes completely wrong from what it SEEMS he had planned.

      Or maybe he did this so that he could gain support by saying “look what I did, I did that. These raises are huge, huge I tell you. That’s why if you vote for me, everyone will get raises like this.”

      If so that- that is actually a really good way to campaign- like I wouldn’t be surprised if this caused a big swing.

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