
    by blankblank60000


    1. Was it Venezuela that had the Libertarian dream of people deciding whether or not to fix roads on their property, so roads were repaired as people saw fit, to whatever extent they wanted, and they could set up toll booths for people driving through? It also meant things like airports were essentially dead, because you couldn’t get enough people together to agree to build and maintain them.

    2. The only reason those hillbillies own those machines is probably because they have government contracts.

    3. Now, if only millions of people like you, with their excavators and independent wealth would fix the rest of our roads and infrastructure, we’d be set.

    4. Poorly-Drawn-Beagle on

      Uh… is it me, or are they not doing anything on the road? The road is in the distance there. The excavators are just sort of in the woods doing… I’m not sure.

    5. Willing_Building_160 on

      Need more context. Perhaps the excavator was rented for free to help clear the road.

    6. Katsurazeroone on

      Well and i was such a Idiot i always thought you need more then just some Excavator to fix Streets like actual Material and other Mashines but aperently not.

    7. Hillbilly friend of mine just bought an excavator at a local auction for $1700. Guess he got one hell of a bargain!

    8. philipmateo15 on

      I think that every person who is a citizen should be required to perform community service of some sort, once a year. A, it makes what’s yours, feel like yours and B, it reminds people that what makes our society work isn’t money, it’s people

    9. PantelonesDelFuego on

      Because bankers can’t run heavy equipment. It takes us blue collar boys to make it happen.

    10. I was amused by the $100K for an excavator comment.

      My brother is a farmer in Oregon. He knew he could get a much better price for his grain if he waited to deliver it in Winter. But he needed a way to haul that much grain to port. So he bought a $5K semi truck. Now this truck was no where close to new and barely ran. But it got the job done.

      My point is the farmers, rednecks, and hillbillies are very capable of finding solutions to problems at a very reasonable price. I respect them for that.

    11. Some of my friends in Avery county have access to excavators and are doing this very thing. We aren’t quite the stereotype hillbillies.
      If I was home I’d be helping them.

    12. Psychological_Ad9165 on

      Over 200 ppl have been lifted out by independent helicopters in the last 6 days , zero for the govt , Why do we pay taxes when nothing is done to help these ppl ?

    13. InsolenceIsBliss on

      You can rent a cat from local dealers or snow plows or other equipment to attach to your own from same rental services.

      There is a long standing debate with certain liberatatian groups on these topics.

      At the end of the day it could be probably more coat prohibitive in the long run on large scale, but neither r/facepalm nor this shared meme community are the correct audiences to discuss this beyond making/poking fun at humor/humorless content.

    14. Tasunka_Witko on

      Well, the government foots the bill for those roads with tax dollars. It repairs the roads with tax dollars. The sewer lines that are under those roads for drainage are maintained with….yep, tax dollars.

      If you want to foot the bills for all of that on top of running your day to day expenses, by all means, carry on

    15. Shocking – farmers with heavy equipment! I guess it would be better to sit around and wait and not be able to get food or resources?

    16. SpicelessKimChi on

      `Yuk yuk people in cities is dumm yuk yuk!’

      Why do rural people have such a sense of grandeur, like living in the middle of nowhere gives you some sort of moral superiority to people in cities. Fuck off.

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