Saddam’s Court Outbursts

    by cololz1


    1. He’s a bad guy. He knows he’s a dead man walking. I got to respect his defiance to the end.

    2. He was blabbing on right until the very seconds of his life from the top of the gallows.

    3. Otherwise_Duty1457 on

      His face was the face of untold terror when I was growing up.. the Irish were terrorists at the time but you knew this guy was bad but didn’t know how bad

    4. I was a young adult when the Bush propaganda wagon was in full tilt. It went from all about nukes to WMD to nuke research to mobile nuke labs to maybe they were thinking about nukes and then a huge leap to humanitarian violations for justification. While he was a vicious murderer of his own people the US just doesn’t invade other countries for that. All he did to piss off the US was refuse to let inspectors do their jobs. Fuck bush.

    5. Vast-Philosophy4108 on

      Well we certainly did invade and occupy Iraq cuz wmd duh and they had thousands!!!!!

    6. Saddam was 100% right. The Americans had no right to invade a sovereign country and kill its leader via a kangaroo court to make this look “legit”.

      I say this as a white caucasian Canadian (in case someone thinks I’m Arab and biased).

    7. It’s funny how America decide which bloodthirsty dictator let govern and let die. Gadafi and Hussein are bad. But the Saudi house, Maduro and Abdel from Egypt are ok

    8. Raise-Emotional on

      He honestly sounds like Trump. Lies and lies and thinking the law doesn’t apply to him.

    9. The look of, oh I fucked up in his eyes when his own people hung him was absolutely beautiful

    10. │Entrance hidden by
      │Bricks and rubble
      ┳ ║ ║▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
      │ ╚╗ ╔╝
      │ ║ ║ │Saddam
      6ft ╚╗ ╔╝ │ Hussein
      │====o ╚════│═════╗
      │ │║@ ▇▅▆▇▆▅▅█ ║
      ┷ │╚│═════════════╝
      Air vent│ │Fan

    11. Ugh, what shit editing, just make the transitions as jarring as possible with a weird… what even is that sound? Someone hitting a pot? Why?

    12. Inside_Ad_7162 on

      Remember that oily fk sitting calling out names of people that had to leave for execution &/ torture.

    13. I think two things can be true at the same time: 1. The main point he is saying is true. The USA had no right to invade his country and to prosecute him. 2. He is a horrible person who killed a lot of people and deserves to get thrown into hell.

    14. An Iraqi guy who did some construction work at our place, was very happy during Saddam’s regime, they had good quality free health care, free university education, was given a house by the regime, worked for the government. Came to Canada after the war with his family, said war ruined everything, people never thought of migrating to another country before the war.

    15. Bro got cooked so Georgie boy could finish what his dad started.

      Such a crazy time.

      Now Israel commits genocide and starts wars with sovereign nations and no one cares lol.

      Meanwhile Iraq was invaded over a yellow pastry that they didn’t even have.

    16. He could say whatever he wanted, he was going to be hanged in the end. That was predetermined. There was “leaked” video of the hanging pretty much immeadiately after it happened.

    17. Do you really think anyone in power in any country is different? Power is generally given to greedy / evil fucks, that think they are worth more than anyone else.
      See the US, again greedy fucks try to get into power, supported by other greedy fucks.

      I sure hope they meet Saddam’s fate! (or at least finally go to jail for all their crimes!)

    18. Its pretty worrying how there’s A LOT of apologia in this thread for a man who gassed his own people multiple times.

    19. Watching this video got me curious.

      Saddam Hussein, outside of war/military/famine, directly killed about 300,000 Iraqis.

      The United States, via direct military action, killed about 300,000 Iraqis.

      I hope some good came out of it, but as far as direct impacts on Iraq the US was probably worse than Saddam. To be fair to the US – Saddam killed many hundreds of thousands more in war, and seemed to want to continue to do so.

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