Trump’s Tariff isn’t just bad, it’s literally repeating one of the worst Legislative mistakes of the Great Depression

    by Accurate-Entry


    1. why would anyone expect a convicted felon and rapist who committed crimes to try and destroy our government to do something good or smart?

    2. onceinawhile222 on

      Do you think Donald is hoping to create the biggest,most wonderful, historical, and beautiful depression ever?

    3. Upbeat_Engineering98 on

      “In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… Anyone? Anyone?… the Great Depression, passed the… Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone? Raised or lowered?… raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the federal government. Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the Great Depression.”

      See Mom, the TV did not rot my brain.

    4. Anda_Bondage_IV on

      Legit question: are the tariffs Trump imposed in his first term, that Biden maintained or increased, having a similar effect, making things broadly less affordable?

    5. SuperGenius9800 on

      Trump is so stupid he thinks China pays the tariffs. That’s extra stupid even for him.

    6. listeningtoevery on

      How many American companies just popped up out of nowhere once Trump’s tariffs went into effect? Does he think establishing tariffs one day equals more American companies the next? This stuff takes time and meanwhile everyone has to suffer high costs.

    7. “How do we help Americans afford things?”

      “Well what if we raised all the prices even further and reduced supply?”

      How does anyone support this man?

    8. Anyone who passed freshman macroeconomics would know this. Seems odd that a Wharton grad would not. /s

    9. He is a buffoon, an orange turd. He thinks the rest of the world will pay the tarrif instead exploring new markets and let the little king wiping ice. China probably is laughing of this.

    10. pine-cone-sundae on

      Somedays I think the ultra-rich want another depression. Just to be assholes. They actually resent the poor, think less of them. Perhaps even dehumanize them.

      They see the poor as the cattle that pull the cart, not much more. You don’t like it? Bootstraps, my good fellow, bootstraps.

      They could certainly argue for rock-bottom wages if we had mass unemployment, couldn’t they.

      The only snag would be, who’s going to buy all those widgets they design to make the poor feel “rich” somehow? Who will buy them? Something to consider before you blank out huge swaths of people with your cruel regressive economic plans.

    11. This is the same schtick he tried with the wall. “Mexico will pay for it.” It’s just another con.

    12. Tariffs have a role, but it’s just one tool in the box. That dumb motherfucker wouldn’t know the first thing about what tools to use to build a coherent comprehensive trade policy.

    13. Everything he touches turns to shit. We’ve all seen what he’s done to the morale of the country and everyone is warning us of how much worse it will be. If he gets back into power, none of his corruption and the decay of the US will come as a surprise.

    14. They have given trickle down 40 years to work, and it proved the opposite… yet they keep trying. They know what happens when you raise tariffs but everyone is too afraid of getting called a RINO on Truth Social, so they just go along with it.

      What’s the thing that happens when you try the same thing over and over… and get the same result? It’s on the tip of my tongue… jeez..

    15. this is by design.

      Trump wants to obliterate the US and then sell it off to Putin or whoever he wishes.

      And the MAGA chuds will cheer it on because at least they get to be brazenly evil racist fucks.

    16. In principle, a tariff like this is attempt to make other people pay America’s bills.

      And that’s bullshit.

    17. If he wins and this happens, then it is just a nice bonus for him and his billionaire hoarders to capitulate the population into submission through domestic economic means.

    18. I don’t like pointing out it was the “Republican party” who did it. I believe it was before the Conversative/Liberal flip in the parties. So it was actually a mistake by the liberal party at the time.

      Trying to make it “republicans at it again” misses the point because the parties were very different at the time. The important lesson of tariffs aren’t a good strategy is the thing to learn.

    19. why the fuck would that work?

      is there any logical reason why anyone would think this would work? is it just the bootstraps delusion like theyre going to tough love the economy back into good health?

    20. PhysicalGraffiti75 on

      Nothing Trump does is his fault unless it’s good.

      If Trump passed a law outlawing headlights conservatives would blame democrats for it even if Trump himself came out and said “I did it, I knew it was dangerous and I did it anyways. Fuck you.” His supporters would be falling over themselves to make up excuses for why it’s the lefts fault that Trump said those things.

      It’s a cult.

    21. When one the last big round of Tariffs were set the company I worked for at that time laid off a bunch of people (rather than just increase the price to the consumer). They also had lawyers read through the tariffs and understand what it could take to side-step a tariff. But for several years people lost jobs and everyone still there had a fear of being next or just left.

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