Metal Not Murderers (link to tweet plus direct link to story in comments)

    by WoofWoofster


    1. DonRaccoonote on

      Shittenhouse is the least metal human on the planet. He looks like an obese baby was magically enlarged to man size, just like trump. 

    2. asphaltGraveyard on

      Whats shittenhouse gonna do at the festival? Show the crowd how he can fake cry on cue?

    3. What sort of evil monster invites a criminal multiple murderer whose only claim to fame is shooting innocent unarmed Americans in cold blood?

    4. PancakeMakerAtLarge on

      This quote from the article bothered me:

      >In response, *The Antihero Podcast* — which is among the organizers of the Shell Shock festival — stated, “We have been silent. But we are prepping. The liberal mob attempted to destroy Shell Shock. But we will not allow it. This is now about more than a concert. **This is a war of ideology.**”

      (Emphasis mine)

      Pretty much all metal fans and bands that I’ve known have been immensely chill, open-minded and loving. They’re hardcore on the stage, because that’s the brand, the fantasy, the high everyone’s coming for. But the moment the show stops, or someone feels ill or gets smushed in the mosh pit, metalheads are the first to dive in and help out.

      I’m gonna go for a straight up no *true* scotsman fallacy and say that you’re not a real metal fan if you unironically use the phrase “this is a war of ideology” in response to people not wanting murderers around when enjoying music.

    5. If Kyle wants to be involved with something in Florida to help first responders, he should show up with a shovel and gloves and help some of the people clean up their homes after Hurricane Helene. There’s plenty of moldy walls and furniture that he can help clear out of homes.

    6. Ok_Philosophy915 on

      I work in merchandising for various metal bands. They don’t take shit like this. Metalheads hate the system in its entirety along with whatever sprinkles of fascism that comes with it. People in that genre are inherently inclusive folks. a lot of them despise Trump as well. I remember when Municipal Waste released this shirt in 2016. Needless to say we got a huge uptick in sales in July for some reason

    7. I’d love to hear if the event organizer understands that’s on them or do they double down

    8. Metalheads I know IRL are all really chill people. My working theory is that the music acts as an outlet for any aggression they might have.

      Why in the world would you try and tie the music to a divisive political figure.

    9. Hellraiser1123 on

      Heavy metal in general tends to lean more progressive; one of our biggest icons is a gay man in Rob Halford (vocalist for the legendary Judas Priest). Metal tends to be anti-establishment and extremely inclusive, so I’m not at all surprised that bands would refuse to play a show that a murdering piece of shit like Rittenhouse is scheduled to attend.

      Yet another day when I’m proud to bang my head.

    10. The right keeps trying to ruin everything I love, not even fucking Godzilla, anime and metal is safe. UGH.

    11. chelicerate-claws on

      I do love that nearly all the articles about this use extremely unflattering images of him.

    12. Nazi music festival promoter sounds like one of those slimy villains from teen 80s movies.

    13. ImpeccableCaverns on

      At times like these I’m reminded of the fine words of Brother Phil Rind from Sacred Reich:


      A vision of unselfishness, a union of black and white
      One nation of all races, it’s clear within my sight
      I see it clear, no hate, no fear, no soldiers sent to die
      A state that’s free and thrives on peace, no greed, no threat to life

      We won’t build the weapons of war which looms over your heads
      We’ll not feed the war machines that lead our youth to death
      We won’t close our eyes to the atrocities which abound
      We won’t stand and watch until we’re six feet underground

      The future is our burden, we can’t stand and watch
      As the world around crumbles, opposing armies march
      We work towards our goal – one nation, unity
      And you must be the convert who works towards world peace

      There are those around us who stand and say no way
      Opposing lessened armies, they say are here to stay
      But no one knows until we try, what we all can do
      I won’t watch children die, it’s up to me and you

      Our world is divided, the boundaries have been drawn
      Ideas are decided by where you have been born
      Can’t judge people by the government of their land
      They’re flesh and blood like us, and our prejudice is sad

      The future is our burden, we can’t stand and watch
      As the world around crumbles, opposing armies march
      We work towards our goal – one nation, unity
      And you must be the convert who works towards world peace

    14. FunctionBuilt on

      I’d love to see the Venn diagram of heavy metal listeners to Kyle Rittenhouse fanbois. Sounds a lot like a case of the organizer living in an echo chamber and thinking his people felt the same way as him.

    15. Strange-Yesterday601 on

      Funny how he’s compassionate here on trial but as soon as that verdict came, that compassion immediately left. He even has his own book about the event that he prides himself in. I’ve known a lot of killers in my life, and all of them don’t want to talk about ‘their moment’, let alone write a book about it. They want to forget that horrible moment more than anything and not have to relive it daily….. but no this fuck! Dude went out looking for trouble (as a minor too).

    16. The only thing Kyle Rittenhouse should be appearing in is an arraignment hearing before a judge.

    17. gatheringdusk on

      I’m still stuck on why on Earth a metal festival has a “special guest”. Was he doing something there, like speaking or something? That’s not super typical of a music festival as far as I’m aware. Speaking as a metalhead, I’m stymied why the organizers thought that having this chud as a guest would do anything but drive people and bands away.

    18. I wonder who stayed in — I’d like to be sure to never purchase their music. I’m guessing if a slipknot cover band is the headliner, it’s not anyone notable

    19. These same ppl claim to not watch the nba or nfl bc it’s too political too… they go and try to have this guest as a political statement at a hardcore and metal festival…. this dude doesn’t even listen to any of these bands or have anything to bring to these ppl attending the event. Good on the bands dropping out!

    20. FitBattle5899 on

      Don’t worship a fucking murderer. Again he’s not a hero, he’s not in law enforcement or part of some neighborhood watch even… He’s a sadist who saw an opportunity to play vigilante and shoot people.

    21. Accomplished_Note_81 on

      When I think of Rittenhouse, i think of METAL! .. wait, no, that’s not true. With apologies to Tears for Fears, as I do enjoy their music, Rittenhouse kinda reminds me of a young Roland Orzabal, with short hair.

    22. Emergency_Property_2 on

      It’d be a real shame if lil Kyle showed up and got the shit kicked out of him.

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