His war never ended

    by Just_Ad_7082


    1. Neoliberal_Nightmare on

      How he did sneak the parts in?

      *hey… that looks like a panther turret basket*

      *no it doesn’t*

    2. SquintWestweed on

      “Honey, did I get a large package from Amazon today? I’m expecting a new turret.”

    3. Destinedtobefaytful on

      Well I would like to argue that those things should be in museums anyways yeah sure everyone can have their stuff but (I don’t know if they are) if those things are rare they should defo be in a museum

    4. PuffsMagicDrag on

      Was it still capable of firing too?? If so… I get why they seized it. You can’t even do that here in the states lol

    5. ConsciousPatroller on

      Leave the man alone, he wasn’t doing anything bad. Just restoring a German Panther and gathering ammunition for it…while wearing a vintage SS uniform tailored exactly to his size…hold on

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