Nowhere anywhere in the initial tweet does the author speak about voting… Elon is twisting the narrative for his own benefit and agenda.

    Time stamp on second image

    by Detroitish24


    1. Elon why lie and follow in Trump’s fat dumb footsteps? He’s going to jail after he loses yet another election. You could do good for the world instead you sell shitty trucks and overpriced cars. You destroyed Twitter. Why does it seem all super rich guys are right wing dicks?

    2. Every immigrant I know is a Trump supporter. They’re constantly bombarded with pro-Trump propaganda via Spanish speaking radio in my area.

    3. What is wrong with this dude?

      He’s gone straight up political hack.

      Used to think he was a brilliant thinker.

      He’s really blown it for me.

    4. This immigrant is trying to destroy the US, prepping up a dangerous powder keg in case trump loses

    5. First of all- the states can’t grant you citizenship. It’s a federal law that goes through a federal agency like USCIS. There are some fast tracks like military, spouse (years of marriage) but really that’s about it. This misinformation is outstanding by the billionaire idiot.

    6. Sir you aren’t even from here so maybe be appreciative you have a voice and stay in your lane and don’t let your money privilege show.

    7. If Mr. Musk has proof, he should show the damning proof to the proper authorities. Ah, but he can’t because the authorities are corrupt. If so, he should show the damning proof to the police. Ah, but he can’t because the police are corrupt, too. If so, he should show the damning proof on the social network he bought for $44B. Ah, but he can’t because he’s full of shit.

    8. Mr Garland – in case you need help. The federal law against seditious conspiracy is in Title 18 of the U.S. Code, specifically 18 U.S.C. § 2384. That section of the U.S. Code deals with treason, rebellion, and similar offenses.

    9. WaitingForNormal on

      It’s really sad that this is what he considers “free speech”, just blatant lies. What a sad piece of dogshit he really is.

    10. itsl8erthanyouthink on

      Can we swap sane, willing to work immigrants from Mexico for MAGA. Okay, okay, we’ll take two immigrants for every MAGA you take off our hands. We can call it the *Really Great Replacement*

    11. davidgrayPhotography on

      Them: “Hi, I’m not a citizen, can I vote?”
      The US: “lol no get out of here”
      Elon: “THEY’RE VOTING!!”

    12. Time to put this weirdo on the backseat. Hey Elon, compatriot of Felon; if the Democrats are doing this — which they are CATEGORICALLY NOT, we don’t need you and your stupid D.O.G.E : Department of Government Efficiency. WE ARE FAST AND EFFICIENT EVEN WITHOUT YOUR CRASS AND RIDICULOUS TWEETS, WE GOT THIS. SEE HOW IRRITATING IT IS TO READ ALL CAPS ? LET YOUR OLD MAN KNOW.

    13. Pardon my ignorance, but how do they get an accurate illegal immigrant count per state?

      Did the illegal immigrants respond honestly to a census?

    14. So no source of data. Just spewing numbers out of thin air. And musk just randomly agree with post that match his ideology. What a joke this man is.

    15. Walter_Melon42 on

      Where did those numbers on the second pic even come from? Are they remotely accurate?

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