She loves the reign

    by ExactlySorta


    1. YouWithTheNose on

      Obviously, these people are unfamiliar with New England weather forecasting and how it’s never right XD Had sunshine days that were predicted as rain, snow that was predicted as clear and much more

    2. Back during the bad tornado season, a friend said it was all manmade cloud-seeding. I said if that were true, wouldn’t it be done during a drought?…and how, if it’s being done in Texas (where we are), does that affect Nebraska? She said it’s because it’s an election year…

    3. Wrong-Landscape-2508 on

      Come on guys its so obvious. What do you think those space lasers are used for?

    4. So both of them have been deemed fit to vote or drive or be out in public by themselves. That’s pretty sad

    5. Ok, while weather control techniques exist they are not preces and can only modify already existing weather pattens. most notably the US attempt to make the rainy season longer and swing more to the north during the war with Vietnam. This had minimal effect but led to a ban on the use of weather control as a method of waging war. It cannot crat a storm form nothing and has no hope in hell of generating a hurricane, stopping, or even changing the path of one.

    6. the jewish space lasers have a weather control feature since version 4.20. which was released April 20th ….

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