MAGA Snowflakes: Every convict is also a child of God who would prefer a nicer prison mattress.

    by UnlikelyAdventurer


    1. Listening to her whine about her “special needs” for a bed after being so arrogant and unrepentant leaves me with little empathy for her. She chose to pass along sensitive voting information systems to an associate of Mike Lindell, she violated the trust of citizens and cost Colorado taxpayers millions.

      No special mattresses. Three hots and a cot, bitch. Watch out for shanks. Be careful not to snitch. Get used to being on your bunk for inmate count. You’ll have a job, maybe in laundry, maybe in the chow hall. Enjoy it and remember that your loyalty to Trump is the reason you are now a felon.

    2. emptyhellebore on

      It’s stunning how this woman actually seems to believe the court should give a shit. Have fun in prison.

    3. Fuck her. She did the fucking around part, why does she expect the finding out process will be any kinder than her actions?

    4. Thehardwayalltheway on

      Gee, they gave the guy in buffalo horns an organic diet, maybe she’ll be able to bring her special mattress. Fortunately, if that’s the case, another inmate will be sleeping on it.

    5. Fifth_Wall0666 on

      Well, her new mattress in prison will be just as special, in that it’ll be in prison, and just for her.

    6. This reminds me of the Qanaon Shaman who claimed in court he could not eat regular prison food his food had to be organic for….reasons. Sorry you shoulda thought of that shit before you broke the law.

    7. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Went to school with the DA, know the judge, neither could be called “left wing” especially in Mesa. Danny offered her quite a few off ramps, she did not take them, in fact doubled down. Rubes is not a guy you want to piss off, he is fair, but don’t take the deal offered? Go on Fox News and embarrass the DA’s office and the judicial district, and judge? Well… pain is coming, and Danny is hard republican, I don’t remember if the judge is, but I think he is. I’ve won a lot of arguments, lost every single one with Dan. I will bet Dan will eventually run for congress, I thought he was going to go for “ palin’s” seat but I guess he sat it out. Good dude, super smart, we disagree on almost everything. Been years since I’ve seen him.

    8. FreddieJasonizz on

      I’ll say it again: Prisons have free healthcare. Have fun with your special needs.

    9. Medical-Potato5920 on

      I like hotel quality sheets. To continue enjoying them, I don’t commit crimes.

      Perhaps she should have thought of that before she fucked around.

    10. Hellraiser1123 on

      How long after the cell doors close does anyone think it will take before she starts demanding to speak to the prison’s manager?

    11. Does anybody else remember when Jesus complained about being uncomfortable on the cross? Yeah, me neither. 

    12. Catonachandelier on

      “I’m so special, though! You can’t hold me accountable for my actions, I deserve to be lounging on a beach with a devoted staff and unlimited margaritas!”

      Man, I wish I could watch her face when reality punches her lights out. Her first day in prison is gonna be sooo rough for her.

    13. “Child of God” is an apt description, as she doesn’t behave like an independent grown-up.

      She thinks she’s beholden to God, but in reality she’s beholden to middle management 😛

    14. This is just more evidence that maga are mentally ill in some fashion. It’s sad to see.

    15. I’d bet good money that she’s never, _ever_ said anything like “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time” in her life. Ever. /s

      I think I’m nursing a schadenfreude semi.

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