I have no words at all

    by Nice_Substance9123


    1. Tweetydabirdie on

      You’d think if ‘they’ could control the weather, they find a way to medicate/brainwash/lobotomize this nutcase too. But evidently not.

    2. Educational_March_94 on

      What this trash bag of a person might be referring to but thinking it applies to all weather, is that scientists can induce rain. All other weather related control is done by Mother Nature

      Edit: my bad. Cloud seeding is something that is being worked on but not successfully done.

    3. Of course it makes sense that the Israelis would use their giant Jewish space laser to attack the American south, and not Hamas, Hezbollah or even Iran , Syria or Yemen.

    4. I_Only_Follow_Idiots on

      This is the lady that coined the term “Jewish Space Lasers,” how are you surprised?

    5. So she admits that she know who is controlling the weather, but for some reason she refuse to name names and provide proof. I wonder why? Who is she protecting and why? Is she paid to not expose them?

    6. It’s funny, until you realize this woman is actually in a position of power. How the fuck do you let this woman near anything like political power?

    7. weather manipulation is a scientific fact that led the the floods in Dubai. the did too much cloud seeding to aid in rainfall.

      i don’t want to end up in a straw man logical debate here, but we had leaded gasoline back in the day where the oil company’s lied their asses off, ad as a child, i recall aircraft flying by without leaving lines behind.

      Boing is already well known for lying and given how many of there whistleblowers end up dead… idk but they lack morals, logic, ethics, logic.

      Boing is the modern equivalent of steam tractors in the sky… enen their own workers choose not to fly on their craft… well other than the ones with a death wish.

    8. GeistinderMaschine on

      This woman is part of the governmental apparatus. She gets money from the taxpayers. And she says “they”?

      And much more frightening – there are so many voters who believe this?

      It is like being a cook in a restaurant and telling the customers “They are putting poison in your food!”

    9. thegoodtimelord on

      I was HOPING we’d collectively stopped giving this delusional pissflap airtime on here. I have to admit though, as facepalm go, she’s a fountain of material.

    10. im_not_greedy on

      Why didn’t the FD think of that instead of trying to extinguish wild fire with their ancient equipment of fire hoses and trucks 🙄

    11. PunishedEnovk on

      Marjorie is a fucking disgrace and the fact that Americans are giving her the opportunity to be a politician has pretty much helped me conclude that I’m never visiting the USA ever again.

      She’s an embarrassment and should be in an institution.

    12. PerformanceSmooth392 on

      It’s true! There is a button you push on the Jewish space lasers that can control the weather. I thought this was common knowledge?

    13. TheEvilOfTwoLessers on

      MTG, if “they” could control the weather, your district would be scoured off the face of the earth.

    14. I was wondering “Who’s the idiot who believes such stupidi…? Ohhh, MTG, of course!!”

    15. Justin-Truedat on

      So the government can control the weather and weaponize it, but mankind can’t possibly be responsible for climate change? Got it.

    16. NotInMoodThinkOfName on

      In fact we can control weather. In Saudi Arabia rain is triggered by chemicals, in China and Russia they also put chemicals in the air such that the clouds disappear. They make this before big events like Olympia.

      But that doesn’t mean that each country does this nor that Chemtrails exists.

    17. Well, I can control the weather, very locally! If it is raining, I have an umbrella and, just like that, I am no longer being rained upon! /s

    18. She saw X Men. Storm is an X Men. Storm Controls the weather. Storm is a black woman. Kamala is a black woman. Kamala can control the weather bc she is a black woman

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