Switzerland uses a mobile overpass bridge to carry out road work without stopping traffic.

    by TotherCanvas249


    1. Addicted-2Diving on

      Very neat idea. I’d love to see this implemented in the US, but I won’t hold my breath

    2. This seems way more expensive than its probably worth. Maybe in a high density essential road wouldn’t be bad, but when talking about the literal hundreds of thousands of miles of highway in the U.S., probably not a great option.

    3. It’s astonishing that the advancement of engineering has come to a point where people can make mobile overpasses

    4. That wouldn’t last 5 minutes in America before someone hit that at full speed to go airborne Dukes of Hazard style

    5. here_for_sum_popcorn on

      Probably a bit more expensive to do that, then throw out 1,000 orange barrels

    6. FondantOk9090 on

      True forward thinking and great logistic planning, well done Switzerland, the bumbling fuckwits we have in Britain like to schedule all our roadworks at once and totally gridlock our towns, and 9/10 there’s no fucker working on the closed off roads!!!, those 10 guys they have for the whole country must be flat out!

    7. One thing I saw frequently in Japan when I lived there was a lot of road construction on busy roads was done at night and during the day they’d have steel plates covering the road work. Wish they’d do that in the US.

    8. arkam_uzumaki on

      That was one of the best and useful innovation. Sad I can’t see these kinda overpass bridges in ny country.

    9. Ohh great another idea that America is too stupid or lazy or stubborn or wasteful or arrogant to use. Great solutions exist , but why won’t we use them

    10. BreakingSystem on

      Switzerland: ‘Here’s a mobile overpass to keep traffic moving.’
      USA: Closes road for two years, builds a statue to celebrate groundbreaking, and blames the delays on everything but themselves.

    11. Fancy idea. One could finish the actual road work within the time they need to set up this over pass.

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