Tina Peters Former Colorado County Clerk Sentenced to 9 years for Voting Data Scheme

    by memomem


    1. [https://x.com/CoffinItUp/status/1841909132778942632](https://x.com/CoffinItUp/status/1841909132778942632)


      >Tina Peters, the former Mesa County clerk who became the first election official to be charged with a security breach amid lies that the 2020 election had been stolen from then-President Donald Trump, was sentenced Thursday to nine years behind bars.

      >Colorado District Judge Matthew Barrett handed down the sentence Thursday after a jury found Tina Peters guilty of most charges against her in August.

      >Describing her as a “charlatan” who was still using her prior position in office “to peddle a snake oil that’s been proven to be junk time and time again,” Judge Barrett sentenced Peters to 8 and-a-half years in the Colorado Department of Corrections plus 120 days in Mesa County Jail, followed by 3 years of parole.

      >”Your lies are well documented and these convictions are serious,” he said, after Peters made her final plea in court. “I’m convinced you would do it all over again if you could.”


      If you were curious the whole sentencing hearing is here, including her statements prior to sentencing:


      Tina Peter’s statement at [1:36:05](https://www.youtube.com/live/Ks_P8NzBJEs?si=p_c7r0PoJmDUpIbo&t=5776)

      judge face palms during Tina Peter’s statement at [1:58:55](https://www.youtube.com/live/Ks_P8NzBJEs?si=EddQX5THGqacg2Pp&t=7135)

      sentencing at [2:33:20](https://www.youtube.com/live/Ks_P8NzBJEs?si=CPeG8nvpj8vMOMKH&t=9200)

    2. The very end of the video .

      Defendant’s Lawyer: I have a motion for a stay …

      Judge: I’ve just denied that.

    3. >Describing her as a “charlatan” who was still using her prior position in office “to peddle a snake oil that’s been proven to be junk time and time again,” Judge Barrett sentenced Peters to 8 and-a-half years in the Colorado Department of Corrections plus 120 days in Mesa County Jail, followed by 3 years of parole. “Your lies are well documented and these convictions are serious,” he said, after Peters made her final plea in court. “I’m convinced you would do it all over again if you could.” Peters was convicted of first-degree official misconduct, violation of duty, failure to comply with requirements of the Secretary of State, conspiracy to commit criminal impersonation, and three counts of attempt to influence a public servant.

      >When Peters tried to press on with claims no legal authority has corroborated about “wireless devices” and software that changed ballot images in voting machines she drew the judge’s exasperation, who pointed out that ballot recounts showed no discrepancies. “I’ve let you go on enough about this. The votes are the votes. It’s just more lies,” Judge Barrett said. “No objective person believes them. No, at the end of the day, you cared about the jets, the podcasts and people flying with you. You abdicated your position as a servant to the Constitution and you chose you over all else. You cannot help but lie as easy as it is for you to breathe.”


    4. GetOnYourBikesNRide on

      Hopefully, this news spreads widely. The MAGA election “workers”/”observers” who are planning on throwing sand in the gears of our vote counting and certification system need to be aware of the consequences they’re facing.

      It’ll be their asses eventually getting locked up. It most likely won’t be those who convinced them to break our election laws behind bars. And it’s even less likely that it’ll be their Dear Leader who’ll face any consequences for their attempts to steal the 2024 elections for him!

      EDIT: corrected typos

    5. spacemanspiff1115 on

      So a 68 year old gets 9 years in prison, throwing her retirement years away for a guy who wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on her if she was on fire…

    6. I just hope the folks he’s trying to reel in for the same BS are paying attention to these things

    7. Wooden-Frame8863 on


      Fuck you, magat.

    8. I felt like the majority of the speech by the judge could be directly applied to Trump.

    9. Just as a reminder to people, Trump lost Colorado by 14 points. Imagine going to jail for 9 years for being deluded enough to think that Trump actually _won_ Colorado and it was somehow stolen from him.

    10. SeaEmergency7911 on

      I’m not a religious person, but I pray to all that is good and holy that Michigan does something similar to Meshawn Maddock.

    11. adorablescribbler on

      This nutbar was laughing her head off as each person who wasn’t there to support her spoke. It’s one of the wildest things I’ve read. That was in addition to her arguing with the judge, and trying to relitigate her trial with evidence that she acknowledged had been ruled irrelevant. Her lawyer had to tell her to calm the fuck down at a few points throughout the hearing. At one point, the judge was asked if the hand-counted votes matched the Dominion tally, and the REPUBLICAN commissioner confirmed that they did.

      Just fucking wild.

    12. Boy oh boy 9 years is a long, long time for anyone, but I don’t know if she has that kind of time.

      She might be thinking she’ll get a pardon if Trump wins the election…but he’s got a really, really spotty track record on that.

      Methinks she’s screwed.

    13. dragonfliesloveme on

      Judge denied her lawyer’s request at the end there that she be allowed to be free while awaiting appeal, if i understood that correctly.

    14. If only we had an AG willing to do what that judge did. One who was asked by multiple stats to prosecute multiple false electors and related people’s

    15. Holiday_Horse3100 on

      She deserves every day of the nine years. The other election deniers who were in office all over the country deserve punishment for this attempted coup

    16. This is justice. Maybe just a small part of the whole picture but this is exactly how each Big Liar should be treated.

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