A good friend. We text a lot.

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Dude has been seen rubbing elbows with Epstein and now Diddy? Where theres smoke there’s Musk molesting children

    2. Ulfric-the-king on

      oh you know Musk has done some fucked up shit somewhere and it’s only a matter of time till it comes out.

    3. Electrical_Room5091 on

      If a video of a Diddy “freak off” party were to leak, you can bet your ass Twitter will block all access and ban accounts. That’s what happened with Hunter Biden too right?

    4. Wouldn’t be the first time he was involved in things like that. Amber Heard was allegedly known to host similar parties in which he allegedly frequented

    5. with people like Epstein and Diddy they’ve practically met every rich and well known person, I wouldn’t put much stock into people knowing them

    6. EmperorGrinnar on

      It’s odd how many circles Musk moves in. Pedophiles, Nazis, Russian disinformation mills. I’m sure I’m forgetting a few.

    7. Funny how it is always the ones you expect.

      He is friends with Trump, Diddy and Epstein. Trump was also friends with Diddy, Epstein and Musk. It is almost like….and I know this is crazy, all these mega rich sexual degenerates *gasp* hang out with one another for “reasons”

    8. BoozeLikeFrank on

      So how exactly do so many of these terrible people stay afloat when it comes to stuff like this? It seems like you could tell the public there was video evidence of them molesting children and nobody seems to care.

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