Everyone is disposable. Everyone

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Texas_Sam2002 on

      This is the whole plan. Vance is a puppet of the fascist techbros like Thiel and Musk.

    2. Awkward-Fudge on

      I personally think this is the plan. Trad Catholic billionare douches push Dumb old donald to pick JD. Dumb don does. Now they are hoping on trump to win with his insane base then helping him meet his maker so JD is now president and they can live out their trad cath monarchy fantasies and punish women and minorities. Everyone vote!

    3. As much as I’ve enjoyed Mr Wilson’s work on LP, I have my doubts that JD Vance would risk possible MAGA violence upon himself. And who thinks Trump wouldn’t demand it?

    4. I’ve watched enough pro wrestling to know that they’re going to wait until donald is on the cusp of making himself “president for life” and then JD, the highly unpopular heel, will swoop in and be hailed a savior while trump becomes the villain. They might even get a boost from all the new severity of trump’s legal problems from the 1/6 coup and attempting to overthrow the democratically elected government.

      He’s always been unstable and fickle and not as controllable as the behind the scenes guys want. Vance is the perfect little puppet for them. He spoke out about trump, even calling him hitler, but now he is bending over backwards to support him. He won’t even deny election truther shit on the national stage. Like everyone else in trump’s life he knows that he only has to stomach so much of him until the payday.

    5. The smart play here would be to keep Trump around for the first 2 years of his term, then get rid of him. This makes Vance eligible for 2 additional terms after finishing Trump’s term. If they remove Trump less than 2 years into the term, Vance is only eligible for 1 additional term per the 22nd Amendment:

      > No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

      This is obviously assuming that we continue to have elections after this one. If they succeed in eliminating elections completely then none of this matters.

    6. Available-Elevator69 on

      Probably their entire plan. Get Trump in with the Vote and then unleash JD and his couch humping on the world.

    7. I think you mean it won’t take long for Thiel and the puppet masters to invoke the 25th.

    8. Rick Wilson founded the Lincoln Project and is very good at trolling Trump. Whether this claim is true or not is not the point. The point is to have DonOLD looking over his shoulder and paranoid he might get usurped

    9. I’ve been saying this for a while. Vance was selected by the oligarchs to replace Trump. They use Trump and his base to get the White House, he sticks around long enough to implement the most unpopular policies right away, then they use his legal issues as an excuse to remove him, with the understanding that he’ll go quietly in exchange for a payday and Vance removing all his legal troubles. Vance then gets to look “moderate” by comparison, finish this term, and then run two more times, by which time elections will be so ratf*coed they won’t matter. Teflon Don gets to live the rest of his days golfing and rage tweeting.

    10. That is why Vance is in so deep to sucking to orange.. Scary thought if this couch lover ascends to power. He is good at being, I don’t know how to describe it…

    11. Literally_A_Halfling on

      Honestly, I don’t see why they would. They’d probably just Weekend at Bernie’s him through as many years as they could squeeze out of him as the figurehead, just like they did with Reagan. Then they install Darth Vancious when he finally collapses.

    12. Icy_Sector3183 on

      Meh. Trump will happily spend his 4 years playing golf and blindly signing any papers they push in front of him. They don’t need the guy to be sentient, just breathing.

    13. shashashade18 on

      I am afraid Trump will stroke out before the election. That would lead to chaos. I want to see Kamala beat the crap out of him first, and then see him go to jail.

    14. Responsible-Person on

      trump is only interested in pardoning himself, then he will go away. He MAY do a year as POTUS if he wins, then he will leave. Willingly.

    15. FunctionBuilt on

      This needs to be one of the main issues democrats talk about. One, because it’s likely very true, and two, it will absolutely turn trump against Vance.

    16. DeadpoolAndFriends on

      Sssshhhh! Vance is a toxic peace of shit, but he is more electable and palatable to fence sitters and reluctant Republicans who have decided to back Harris.

    17. If Trump wins the election then there’s basically nothing else he can do for the Republican party. He can keep a Democrat out of office for four years, that’s it.

      People did spend real money backing Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley. The Senate’s probably going blue, the house might flip. It seems possible that we’d see a mutiny in the party.

      Choosing JD Vance was a crucial mistake. The RNC’s best plan would be to stick a more palatable, centrist Republican in the VP spot, let DJT win, give him the boot a year in and then they’d be set up to win handily with an incumbent in ’28.

      In a weird way, Trump became the Republican party’s Joe Biden. He can get them another four years but take it from the Democrats- that’s a punt.

    18. Maximum-Purchase-135 on

      Where is that X-ray image of your damaged ear Donald? It’s worth a few million

    19. The 25th amendment cannot be “invoked” by the vice president. One of its clauses is used by the VP and existing cabinet but the president can respond.

      I really wish people would just read the damn amendment. It’s not a gun.

    20. If they think they’re going to loose with Trump, and they do, then literally martyring him 1 week before the election by an “antifa” operative will be their only chance.

    21. If they win, Trump & Vance are likely to both try to ‘get their retaliation in first’

      I’m rather hoping they both hire the same Whitman.

      But I all honesty this is not what I see happening for there’ll be no inauguration at all.

      The aim isn’t to win the election

      The aim is that the result is very heavily disputed.

      So heavily disputed that the resulting chaos escalates enough to justify a coup.

      Authoritarian presenting themselves as the solution to the chaos they’ve deliberately promoted, encouraged d provoked is an long tried& tested strategy.

      The Nazis did it, Lenin did it, Peron did it, Modi & Putin do it & now the GOP are joining in.

      This is why Project 2025 & stories about voter de-registration etc are so heavily pushed. They want violent protests outside the numerous courthouses hearing election interference cases

    22. Maximum-Purchase-135 on

      The Trump store sold out of coins, watches and steaks but in December he will be adding prison forks, spoons and used soap

    23. TonyG_from_NYC on

      Let’s make sure that Vance never gets the chance to invoke it by keeping them both out of the White House.

      Vote for Kamala/Walz!!!

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