
    by javelin3000


    1. ProfessionSanity on

      Trump can’t handle the fact that Jimmy Carter is loved and admired.

      As a dimwitted narcissist not having attention on himself 100% of the time makes him lash out.

    2. This rhetoric only appeals to old farts like him.

      Considering Jimmy Carter hasn’t been president in, you know, almost 44 fucking years. A significant portion of US voters weren’t even alive when he was in office. Way to appeal to the youth, DumbOld.

    3. for_sure_not_a_lama on

      Genuinely if you still support trump you are just evil.

      I am fucking done making any excuses.

      He is evil and so are his supporters.

    4. Carter very well may have lost his second term to republicans sabotaging a deal with iran to get American prisoners home

    5. Savior-_-Self on

      Carter was the president we needed, so of course he was hated by most at the time. Like children refusing to eat their vegetables. He tried to have an adult conversation with the country, and the country said “la la la la, we want the bromide spewing movie star” so that’s what we got.

      And like the elitist celebrity asshole he was, Regan despised minorities and the poor and he fucked over generations of both.

      Now here we are again, we have to choose between the grownup ideas and the empty-headed personality, except this time the celebrity idiot is openly hateful and petulant and so much worse than anything before – he will render this nation unrecognizable

      And the mere fact that the race (between a capable, competent candidate and the embodiment of everything wrong with America/human beings) is *even close* makes part of me think we’re past some point of no return. That we don’t really deserve to persevere.

    6. I’m sure Trump would’ve called them both “one-term presidents” but then remembered he himself was a one-term president.

    7. Carter’s whole “Doing charity for free” and “Loving his wife” things must have confused Trump a lot

    8. I hope there will be no state funeral for Trump. His actions exclude him from that honor.

    9. WildMartin429 on

      I didn’t even realize Jimmy Carter was still alive but now that I think about it I hadn’t heard about him dying so I guess that makes sense.

    10. Celebrating his 100th birthday, let’s all pray that DJT never has to endure such humiliation.

    11. Trump can’t even tell the truth when he’s being an ass-hat. Which is always, for both:

      “A second Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was sent to members of the Presidents and Executive Politics section of the APSA in 2018, ranked Donald Trump for the first time, putting him in last position.^([26]) In the 2024 edition, Trump scored 10.92 out of 100, easily the worst, while self-identified Republican historians rated Trump in the bottom five.^([27]) ”


    12. Meanwhile pretty much all the other living ex presidents wished him well. Even Bush. But Trump? What a stain on humanity,

    13. Worst president ever? President Buchanan sat back and did nothing as the union collapsed. Andrew Johnson robbed us of our victory in the civil war. Don’t even get me started on you Donald.

    14. He’s so transparently insecure and petty. He can’t congratulate anyone else because he feels it detracts from himself and his image.

    15. ItsStaaaaaaaaang on

      He might be considered one of the weaker presidents of the modern era but he’s also undoubtedly the best *person* to be president of the era. He lost re-election and went on to dedicate himself to charity. Donald tried to steal the election, inspired a riot at the capitol building and then decided to drag the country into further division.

    16. SWatt_Officer on

      Every other previous living president, regardless of their thoughts on the man, gave him birthday wishes. Trump insulted him.

    17. RhythmSectionWantAd on

      “Tone down the rhetoric” just means make way for Trump’s rhetoric only.

    18. Carter isn’t the worst president ever. But he is probably bottom 10. Of modern presidents (post-1900) I’d say only Hoover, Wilson and Trump were worse.

      Edit: Forgot about Nixon.

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